[apologies for cross-posting]
The European Digital DemocracY network
https://www.eddy-network.eu/(EDDY) aims to bring together academics
and practitioners actively working on or with digital democracy, to
foster collaboration and knowledge exchange. After a very successful
first edition, EDDY is proud to announce its second in-person
conference, ‘Digital Democracy: Bridging Theory and Practice’
(EDDY2025), taking place at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne,
France, on the 12^th and 13^th of June, 2025.
The event will feature contributed talks through an open call (see
below), a range of social and interactive sessions (networking,
round-table discussions, demo sessions, etc.), anda variety of academic
and non-academic keynote speakers, including Umberto Grandi
https://www.irit.fr/~Umberto.Grandi/(Professor of Computer Science at
the University of Toulouse), Carolina Romero Cruz
https://linktr.ee/carolromerocruz(co-founder and project manager at
Decidim https://meta.decidim.org/), and _Simone Vannuccini _
https://univ-cotedazur.fr/annuaire/simone-vannuccini(Junior Professor
of Economics at Université Côte d’Azur).
We are opening two tracks for selected contributions at the conference:
the /talks/track and the /demos/track. If you are an academic or a
practitioner whose work is related to digital democracy, we invite you
to _create an account
https://eddy-2025.sciencesconf.org/user/createaccount_and submit a
one-page description/abstract on this page
https://eddy-2025.sciencesconf.org/submission, by March 1^st *,
2025. *You can submit to either of our tracks:
*Talks track.*Selected talks will be given 15-20 minutes
presentation time in the program, depending on the number of high
quality submissions. There will be no proceedings associated with
the conference, so you are welcome to submit work that has been
previously published by other conferences, journals, and so on.
*Demos track.*Selected demos will take place in parallel during a
dedicated session, where you will be given access to a table and
internet connection (‘bring your own laptop’ setup). Participants of
the conference will be able to freely roam and join the different demos.
We welcome contributions from both academics and practitioners on any of
the following topics, in relation to digital democracy: online
deliberation, liquid democracy, the public sphere, apps and tools for
online decision-making, machine learning, crowdsourcing, the digital
divide, participatory budgeting, computational social choice, digital
identities, social media, popular will, cryptocurrencies & blockchain,
secrecy vs. publicity of votes and opinions.
We particularly welcome submissions by students and early career
scholars or practitioners.
Contributions will be selected on the basis of their connection to
EDDY’s goals, with an eye toward the conference’s multi-,
cross-disciplinary target audience and the diversity of projects and
contributors. Depending on the number of submissions, some contributions
may be selected for a poster presentation instead. Notification of
acceptance is expected by March 21^st , 2025.
This event is made possible thanks to the support and funding of the
/Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne/ and /Université Paris 1
For more information, see the conference webpage
https://eddy-2025.sciencesconf.org/?lang=enor write to
contact@eddy-network.eu mailto:contact@eddy-network.euto contact any
of EDDY’s core committee members: Jan Maly (WU Vienna University of
Economics and Business), Arianna Novaro (Paris 1 University), and
Frederik Van De Putte (Erasmus University Rotterdam).