Perry World House Call for Postdocs

Northcutt, Spencer
Mon, Oct 23, 2023 2:38 PM

Good Morning,

My name is Spencer Northcutt. I am the Director of Events and Operations at Perry World House.

We just opened our call for Postdocs and I wanted to send the link your way in case you had any additional channels that the application could be posted on.

We would really appreciate your ability to share this however you see fit.

Happy to offer more information if needed!

All the Best,

Spencer Northcutt
Events & Operations Director
Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania

Good Morning, My name is Spencer Northcutt. I am the Director of Events and Operations at Perry World House. We just opened our call for Postdocs and I wanted to send the link your way in case you had any additional channels that the application could be posted on. We would really appreciate your ability to share this however you see fit. Happy to offer more information if needed! All the Best, Spencer ________________________________ Spencer Northcutt Events & Operations Director Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania 215-573-9992