New group for sharing religion & politics research, connecting with social scientists studying religion

Conrad Hackett
Mon, Sep 19, 2022 7:16 PM

Dear EPSA member,

This month I launched a new Slack community for sharing and discussing social science research on religion. The group already includes about 700 political scientists, sociologists, demographers, economists, anthropologists, psychologists and historians from around the world. The site is a great place to share your latest research, consult other experts and make new connections. If religion is an important component of your research, I invite you to join us.

Here is an invitation link (there's no cost to be part of this group):
If this code has hit its limit (100 new users) when you click on it, just send me a note ( and I'll be happy to send you a new code. Please feel free to share this invitation with other social scientists studying religion.

Once you're in, please introduce yourself in the #welcome channel.

I hope to see you on Slack!

Best regards,


Conrad Hackett
Senior Demographer | Associate Director of Research
Pew Research Center | 1615 L Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036
202.419.4575 | | Twitter: @conradhackett

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Dear EPSA member, This month I launched a new Slack community for sharing and discussing social science research on religion. The group already includes about 700 political scientists, sociologists, demographers, economists, anthropologists, psychologists and historians from around the world. The site is a great place to share your latest research, consult other experts and make new connections. If religion is an important component of your research, I invite you to join us. Here is an invitation link (there's no cost to be part of this group): If this code has hit its limit (100 new users) when you click on it, just send me a note (<>) and I'll be happy to send you a new code. Please feel free to share this invitation with other social scientists studying religion. Once you're in, please introduce yourself in the #welcome channel. I hope to see you on Slack! Best regards, Conrad Conrad Hackett<> Senior Demographer | Associate Director of Research Pew Research Center | 1615 L Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036 202.419.4575 |<> | Twitter: @conradhackett <> You may also be interested in My team's brand new report: Modeling the Future of Religion in America<> Pew Research Center's religion and politics<> research Our report Being Christian in Western Europe<> and Religious Belief and National Belonging in Central and Eastern Europe<>