Dear colleagues,
I am inviting applications for a post-doctoral researcher position in comparative political behavior in the context of my ERC project MINORITYRULE. The position is available as of May 1, 2022 until August 2026 at the pay scale TV-L E14. Please see the attached job ad for further details on the position. The application deadline is December 15, 2021.
Best wishes,
Sven-Oliver Proksch
Sven-Oliver Proksch
Professor of Political Science
Chair for European and Multilevel Politics
Cologne Center for Comparative Politics
Albertus Magnus Platz
University of Cologne
50923 Cologne
Tel +49 (221) 470-89127
Dear colleagues,
I am inviting applications for a post-doctoral researcher position in comparative political behavior in the context of my ERC project MINORITYRULE. The position is available as of May 1, 2022 until August 2026 at the pay scale TV-L E14. Please see the attached job ad for further details on the position. The application deadline is December 15, 2021.
Best wishes,
Sven-Oliver Proksch
Sven-Oliver Proksch
Professor of Political Science
Chair for European and Multilevel Politics
Cologne Center for Comparative Politics
Albertus Magnus Platz
University of Cologne
50923 Cologne
Tel +49 (221) 470-89127