GESIS Panel Call for Item Submission

Rembser, Lena
Fri, Jan 26, 2024 9:52 AM

Dear list members,

I would like to draw your attention to the following Call for Item Submission from the GESIS Panel Population Sample.

With the current Call for Item Submission: Perspectives on Europe so-called short submissions are invited (≈1 min survey time, longitudinal repetitions are possible). The call relates to the 10th EU parliamentary elections and submissions can refer among others to topics as political attitudes and participation, voting behavior, or political crisis awareness and European/national sense of belonging. Submission deadlines are February 18 (1st survey wave of the call) and April 28 (2nd survey wave of the call).

The GESIS Panel Population Sample collects cross-sectional and longitudinal data in a mixed-mode panel (web-based and postal). The probabilistic sample comprises approx. 5,000 people who are surveyed every three months on various topics. Researchers have the opportunity to submit items for data collection and thus have high-quality data collected free of charge. The GESIS panel data includes almost 50 waves so far.

You find the call on our website:
Item submissions without the predetermined thematic focus of the Call are also possible at any time. For further information, please visit the general website of the GESIS Panel:

Best regards,
Lena Rembser

Lena Rembser
Survey Project Management | GESIS Panel

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
P.O. Box 12 21 55 | 68072 Mannheim | Germany
Phone +49 621 1246 566 | Fax +49 621 1246 577

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Dear list members, I would like to draw your attention to the following Call for Item Submission from the GESIS Panel Population Sample. With the current Call for Item Submission: Perspectives on Europe so-called short submissions are invited (≈1 min survey time, longitudinal repetitions are possible). The call relates to the 10th EU parliamentary elections and submissions can refer among others to topics as political attitudes and participation, voting behavior, or political crisis awareness and European/national sense of belonging. Submission deadlines are February 18 (1st survey wave of the call) and April 28 (2nd survey wave of the call). The GESIS Panel Population Sample collects cross-sectional and longitudinal data in a mixed-mode panel (web-based and postal). The probabilistic sample comprises approx. 5,000 people who are surveyed every three months on various topics. Researchers have the opportunity to submit items for data collection and thus have high-quality data collected free of charge. The GESIS panel data includes almost 50 waves so far. You find the call on our website: Item submissions without the predetermined thematic focus of the Call are also possible at any time. For further information, please visit the general website of the GESIS Panel: Best regards, Lena Rembser -- Lena Rembser Survey Project Management | GESIS Panel GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences P.O. Box 12 21 55 | 68072 Mannheim | Germany Phone +49 621 1246 566 | Fax +49 621 1246 577 For further information, follow us on: Our website: On Facebook: On Twitter: On Instagram: Stay up to date with our GESIS Panel Newsletter: