Dear colleagues,
Karina Kosiara-Pedersen, Anika Gauja and I are organizing a virtual
workshop for the upcoming ECPR Joint Sessions on "New Parties - New
Party Members" ( The
purpose of the workshop is to discuss how new and established political
parties, in light of declining membership figures and the transferal of
rights and obligations to new forms of affiliation, provide a
participatory linkage between the electorate and the elected beyond
Election Day.
We are looking forward to your paper proposal until February 8th, 2021
via the ECPR website (
Many thanks for sharing!
Best wishes,
Kristina Weissenbach
Dr. Kristina Weissenbach
Akademische Rätin
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
NRW School of Governance
Lotharstr.53, LS 010
47057 Duisburg
Affiliate Professor
University of Washington
Department of Political Science
Gowen Hall 45, Box 353530
Seattle, WA 98195