3 PhD positions in EU studies | Leiden University | Institute of Political Science

Akbik, A. (Adina)
Sun, Mar 3, 2024 5:25 PM

Dear colleagues,

The Institute of Political Science at Leiden University invites applications for 3 positions of PhD Candidate in Political Science in the field of EU studies (fully funded, 4 years). The positions are part of two projects studying the role of cultural stereotypes in EU governance:

Two PhD researchers will work on the project ‘EUROTYPES: The Impact of Cultural Stereotypes in European Multi-Level Policy Enforcement’, funded by the European Research Council (2024-2028) and led by Dr Adina Akbik. Cultural stereotypes are often present in the political and media discourse on EU governance, e.g. ‘the lazy Greeks’, ‘the tax-dodging Italians’, ‘the stingy Dutch’, and so forth. Yet despite their frequency in public rhetoric, there is limited research on how stereotypes affect the behaviour of civil servants working in EU institutions. The project aims to explore the role of cultural stereotypes among people involved in the direct implementation of EU policy (‘multi-level policy enforcement’) via EU agencies. More information about the project is available at: https://www.adinaakbik.eu/projects/2702-eurotypes

The third position will be part of the project ‘Cultural Stereotypes in the Council of the European Union: Real Threat or just Cheap Talk?’, also led by Dr Adina Akbik. This project aims to examine how cultural stereotypes affect cooperation among national civil servants participating in Council working parties and committees.

Further information about the vacancies can be found at the links above. The deadline is 22 March 2024 at midnight.

Kind regards,

Dr. Adina Akbik
Senior Assistant Professor of European Politics

Institute of Political Science, Leiden University
Wijnhaven Campus, Turfmarkt 99, Office 6.11
2511 DP The Hague, The Netherlands
Email: a.akbik@fsw.leidenuniv.nlmailto:a.akbik@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
University profilehttps://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/staffmembers/adina-akbik#tab-2 | Personal webpagehttps://www.adinaakbik.eu/
Google Scholarhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=m3_6VpEAAAAJ&hl=en | LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/adina-akbik-613073291/ | Blueskyhttps://bsky.app/profile/adinaakbik.bsky.social

Dear colleagues, The Institute of Political Science at Leiden University invites applications for 3 positions of PhD Candidate in Political Science in the field of EU studies (fully funded, 4 years). The positions are part of two projects studying the role of cultural stereotypes in EU governance: * 2 positions focus on EU agencies: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/vacancies/2024/q1/24-09414572phd-candidate-in-political-science-focus-on-eu-agencies * 1 position focuses on the Council: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/vacancies/2024/q1/24-09514573phd-candidate-in-political-science-focus-on-eu-governance Two PhD researchers will work on the project ‘EUROTYPES: The Impact of Cultural Stereotypes in European Multi-Level Policy Enforcement’, funded by the European Research Council (2024-2028) and led by Dr Adina Akbik. Cultural stereotypes are often present in the political and media discourse on EU governance, e.g. ‘the lazy Greeks’, ‘the tax-dodging Italians’, ‘the stingy Dutch’, and so forth. Yet despite their frequency in public rhetoric, there is limited research on how stereotypes affect the behaviour of civil servants working in EU institutions. The project aims to explore the role of cultural stereotypes among people involved in the direct implementation of EU policy (‘multi-level policy enforcement’) via EU agencies. More information about the project is available at: https://www.adinaakbik.eu/projects/2702-eurotypes The third position will be part of the project ‘Cultural Stereotypes in the Council of the European Union: Real Threat or just Cheap Talk?’, also led by Dr Adina Akbik. This project aims to examine how cultural stereotypes affect cooperation among national civil servants participating in Council working parties and committees. Further information about the vacancies can be found at the links above. The deadline is 22 March 2024 at midnight. Kind regards, -- Dr. Adina Akbik Senior Assistant Professor of European Politics Institute of Political Science, Leiden University Wijnhaven Campus, Turfmarkt 99, Office 6.11 2511 DP The Hague, The Netherlands Email: a.akbik@fsw.leidenuniv.nl<mailto:a.akbik@fsw.leidenuniv.nl> University profile<https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/staffmembers/adina-akbik#tab-2> | Personal webpage<https://www.adinaakbik.eu/> Google Scholar<https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=m3_6VpEAAAAJ&hl=en> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/adina-akbik-613073291/> | Bluesky<https://bsky.app/profile/adinaakbik.bsky.social>