1-5 July Summer School on Populism and Foreign Affairs (Free & Virtual, Deadline: 21 June)

Sumeyye Kocaman
Tue, Apr 16, 2024 3:44 PM

Dear All,

I hope you are doing well.

I am sharing the announcement for the ECPS summer school with you. Could you please share it with your students, colleagues, relevant departments, and anyone interested?

The European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS) will host its fourth annual Summer School, "Populism and Foreign Policy: How Does Populist Politics Influence Foreign Affairs?" between 1 and 5 July 2024. It is open to graduate and undergraduate students and professionals interested in the topic. It is virtual and free.

The professors include Sandra Destradi, Jessica Greenberg, Louis Kreisberg, Bertjan Verbeek, Irina Von Wiese, Ole Frahm, Joanna Dyduch, Thorsten Wojczewski, Craig Calhoun and others.

Please have a look at the link below for details and the flyers in the attachment (Please post them on the announcement boards if possible).


The 2024 ECPS Summer School will discuss populism and foreign policy. Populismhttps://www.populismstudies.org/Vocabulary/populism/ has often been studied as a subject of political science and investigated as a topic of domestic affairs, namely party politics and elections. Nevertheless, a growing body of literature suggests that this phenomenon is not confined to the borders of nation-states; it interferes with international relations thanks to populist leaders’ desire to shape foreign affairs with a populist and mostly revisionist view. Trump’s threats to withdraw the US from NATO, Modi’s handling of India’s relations with Pakistan, Erdogan’s diaspora politics towards European countries, Orban’s instrumentalization of migration in the EU, Netanyahu’s approach to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, Johnson’s management of the Brexit process and numerous attempts by populist leaders to undermine or subvert international or supranational organizations, such as the UN, WTO, and EU, are among many examples that showcase how external relations can be blended with populismhttps://www.populismstudies.org/Vocabulary/populism/.

The program will take place on Zoom and will consist of three daily sessions. The lectures are complemented by small group discussions and Q&A sessions moderated by experts and emerging scholars in the field. Case competition workshops will also be held daily.

Lectures contain;

A Lecture (40 minutes)

Small-group discussion (20 minutes)

Discussion and Q&A (30 minutes)

The Case Competition:

A discussion to develop policy analysis, share research, and prepare a presentation (60 minutes)

The case competition focuses on a real-life problem related to populism and foreign policy. On the first day, an introduction will explain the topic and structure. Afterwards, participants will be divided into teams to work together on solving the case, and they are expected to prepare policy suggestions. The proposals of the participants will be evaluated by an assessment committee composed of scholars and experts based on criteria such as creativity, feasibility, and presentation skills. Depending on their availability, we invite the speakers and moderators to participate in the assessment committee.

To obtain a certificate, students must actively participate in the lectures and discussion sections (80%). For application, please send a CV and a few paragraphs of an interest letter to ecps@populismstudies.org by June 21.

We would greatly appreciate your support in promoting this event within your professional networks and on your social media accounts.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/populismstudies/status/1777857692150755529

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/populism-studies_ecps-academy-summer-school-july-1-5-2024-activity-7183624929102225408-c_iV/

Populism Studies on LinkedIn: ECPS Academy - Summer School (July 1-5, 2024) Populism and Foreign…https://www.linkedin.com/posts/populism-studies_ecps-academy-summer-school-july-1-5-2024-activity-7183624929102225408-c_iV/
ECPS Academy - Summer School (July 1-5, 2024) Populism and Foreign Policy: How Does Populist Politics Influence Foreign Affairs? Are you passionate about…

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=738904241745525&set=a.552923293676955

Special thanks for your time and support,

Kind Regards,

Sumeyye Kocaman

Project Manager, ECPS

DPhil Researcher, University of Oxford

[cid:e4a09add-a8fe-48d1-8da7-f31bfce0ef7e] ECPS Summer School 2024.pnghttps://unioxfordnexus-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/scat6542_ox_ac_uk/EWGQ3pR5iQZMoTTDvv-x9E0BitXSN0v8WcGazFlz6rs1uw

DPhil Candidate in Ottoman and Modern Middle East History
Oriental Institute, 11 Pusey Ln, Oxford OX12
Mobile Number: +44 7740 283443

Dear All, I hope you are doing well. I am sharing the announcement for the ECPS summer school with you. Could you please share it with your students, colleagues, relevant departments, and anyone interested? The European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS) will host its fourth annual Summer School, "Populism and Foreign Policy: How Does Populist Politics Influence Foreign Affairs?" between 1 and 5 July 2024. It is open to graduate and undergraduate students and professionals interested in the topic. It is virtual and free. The professors include Sandra Destradi, Jessica Greenberg, Louis Kreisberg, Bertjan Verbeek, Irina Von Wiese, Ole Frahm, Joanna Dyduch, Thorsten Wojczewski, Craig Calhoun and others. Please have a look at the link below for details and the flyers in the attachment (Please post them on the announcement boards if possible). https://www.populismstudies.org/ecps-academy-summer-school-populism-and-foreign-policy-how-does-populist-politics-influence-foreign-affairs-july-1-5-2024/ The 2024 ECPS Summer School will discuss populism and foreign policy. Populism<https://www.populismstudies.org/Vocabulary/populism/> has often been studied as a subject of political science and investigated as a topic of domestic affairs, namely party politics and elections. Nevertheless, a growing body of literature suggests that this phenomenon is not confined to the borders of nation-states; it interferes with international relations thanks to populist leaders’ desire to shape foreign affairs with a populist and mostly revisionist view. Trump’s threats to withdraw the US from NATO, Modi’s handling of India’s relations with Pakistan, Erdogan’s diaspora politics towards European countries, Orban’s instrumentalization of migration in the EU, Netanyahu’s approach to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, Johnson’s management of the Brexit process and numerous attempts by populist leaders to undermine or subvert international or supranational organizations, such as the UN, WTO, and EU, are among many examples that showcase how external relations can be blended with populism<https://www.populismstudies.org/Vocabulary/populism/>. The program will take place on Zoom and will consist of three daily sessions. The lectures are complemented by small group discussions and Q&A sessions moderated by experts and emerging scholars in the field. Case competition workshops will also be held daily. Lectures contain; A Lecture (40 minutes) Small-group discussion (20 minutes) Discussion and Q&A (30 minutes) The Case Competition: A discussion to develop policy analysis, share research, and prepare a presentation (60 minutes) The case competition focuses on a real-life problem related to populism and foreign policy. On the first day, an introduction will explain the topic and structure. Afterwards, participants will be divided into teams to work together on solving the case, and they are expected to prepare policy suggestions. The proposals of the participants will be evaluated by an assessment committee composed of scholars and experts based on criteria such as creativity, feasibility, and presentation skills. Depending on their availability, we invite the speakers and moderators to participate in the assessment committee. To obtain a certificate, students must actively participate in the lectures and discussion sections (80%). For application, please send a CV and a few paragraphs of an interest letter to ecps@populismstudies.org by June 21. We would greatly appreciate your support in promoting this event within your professional networks and on your social media accounts. Twitter: https://twitter.com/populismstudies/status/1777857692150755529 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/populism-studies_ecps-academy-summer-school-july-1-5-2024-activity-7183624929102225408-c_iV/ [https://attachments.office.net/owa/sumeyye.kocaman%40stcatz.ox.ac.uk/service.svc/s/GetAttachmentThumbnail?id=AAMkADZjMjhiMDE5LWI3M2QtNDY3Yy05OWZlLWNiZGZkZjE5MmExOABGAAAAAADtwvb4shTOTrbttIO6Z8RdBwBDpS8jKHYZTq%2B9lKE5fF7YAAAA3e62AABNE8YRBD5MRZS6u%2FrL82ygAAWztR%2FaAAABEgAQANXH8VSGa71ImZlW3k6FDsQ%3D&thumbnailType=2&token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkU1RDJGMEY4REE5M0I2NzA5QzQzQTlFOEE2MTQzQzAzRDYyRjlBODAiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXQiOiI1ZEx3LU5xVHRuQ2NRNm5vcGhROEE5WXZtb0EifQ.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.xYSHbXH7mO6CP_OltFpdraYlwFduGOQeRf_5xqGsQfN2NK-YVmIXTXlO8DpR0MuKax_d6msjWt03sBeWCJVFWXDfTIVlaQ3UT-Yfxx9fcDQekcfTJO9ZzlKLG719RztcSuQ3JvpaJM2m10E5ocRR9fTfbLzYCfBhyrMtZDc-PcYMHuPQGH4iXSo7F4WIcYpWpT3sswcz5C0Ltxd4YffS1LHNvH9cxa4i6VSambBr0Cc8efk-PKEx9Netwu7YucZTSDTVrrd2wOIh7Mc2dn3PnRM1JcfEl1s4dbBoFZZCGvpYsrOM32cI88ur7EAKt7_9yJPCIp6saHmCvZOOR_t5zg&X-OWA-CANARY=bdvoVwhiMjQAAAAAAAAAAJD9OC0pXtwY-TIaaYteXjWS38HMy8Zx7oX9Zq4V-TUuskf-gVokQ9g.&owa=outlook.office.com&scriptVer=20240405002.12&clientId=85F074A99676484C9432A72EFCADEBAA&animation=true]<https://www.linkedin.com/posts/populism-studies_ecps-academy-summer-school-july-1-5-2024-activity-7183624929102225408-c_iV/> Populism Studies on LinkedIn: ECPS Academy - Summer School (July 1-5, 2024) Populism and Foreign…<https://www.linkedin.com/posts/populism-studies_ecps-academy-summer-school-july-1-5-2024-activity-7183624929102225408-c_iV/> ECPS Academy - Summer School (July 1-5, 2024) Populism and Foreign Policy: How Does Populist Politics Influence Foreign Affairs? Are you passionate about… www.linkedin.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=738904241745525&set=a.552923293676955 Special thanks for your time and support, Kind Regards, Sumeyye Kocaman Project Manager, ECPS DPhil Researcher, University of Oxford [cid:e4a09add-a8fe-48d1-8da7-f31bfce0ef7e] ECPS Summer School 2024.png<https://unioxfordnexus-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/scat6542_ox_ac_uk/EWGQ3pR5iQZMoTTDvv-x9E0BitXSN0v8WcGazFlz6rs1uw> DPhil Candidate in Ottoman and Modern Middle East History Oriental Institute, 11 Pusey Ln, Oxford OX12 Mobile Number: +44 7740 283443