Call for Proposals: Nordic Political Behavior Workshop

Love Aksel Christensen
Thu, Jun 6, 2024 12:20 PM

Dear Colleagues,

Following the workshops in 2020, 2022 and 2023, we are happy to invite proposals to the 4th Nordic Political Behavior Workshop. The workshop takes place at the Department of Political Science, Aarhus University on October 24-25, 2024, and is sponsored by the Carlsberg Foundation.

The two-day workshop is dedicated to in-depth feedback on a smaller set of papers researching political behavior broadly defined (including, but not limited to, the adjacent subfields of political psychology, public opinion, and political representation). We welcome scholars applying all types of methods and data, and the workshop has no specific regional emphasis. The format is especially well-suited for papers that answer substantial questions in political behavior using innovative methods or new data.

We expect to discuss approximately 10 papers. Each paper will be assigned an hour for discussion. Non-presenting scholars are also welcome as the discussion of the papers will be of relevance beyond the specific papers. Based on the previous workshops, we expect 30-35 participants.

The workshop is intended to bring together Nordic and international scholars within the field and we strongly encourage participation from people of all ranks and backgrounds. In addition to providing feedback, the workshop is intended to provide an opportunity to connect with new people—especially for junior scholars.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge and lunch and refreshments are provided for participants on both days of the workshop. On October 24, there is a workshop dinner for presenters. We also expect to be able to provide some financial support for accommodation for presenters. Supporting presenters without access to funding will be given priority. Participants must cover their own travel.

Submit your abstract here by June 23.


Love Christensen (Aarhus University)
Peter Thisted Dinesen (University of Copenhagen)
Henning Finseraas (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Mikael Persson (University of Gothenburg)

Love Christensen, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral researcher
Department of Political Science
Aarhus University

website: lovechristensen.com
twitter: @lovecsen
phone: +46762274381

Dear Colleagues, Following the workshops in 2020, 2022 and 2023, we are happy to invite proposals to the 4th Nordic Political Behavior Workshop. The workshop takes place at the Department of Political Science, Aarhus University on October 24-25, 2024, and is sponsored by the Carlsberg Foundation. The two-day workshop is dedicated to in-depth feedback on a smaller set of papers researching political behavior broadly defined (including, but not limited to, the adjacent subfields of political psychology, public opinion, and political representation). We welcome scholars applying all types of methods and data, and the workshop has no specific regional emphasis. The format is especially well-suited for papers that answer substantial questions in political behavior using innovative methods or new data. We expect to discuss approximately 10 papers. Each paper will be assigned an hour for discussion. Non-presenting scholars are also welcome as the discussion of the papers will be of relevance beyond the specific papers. Based on the previous workshops, we expect 30-35 participants. The workshop is intended to bring together Nordic and international scholars within the field and we strongly encourage participation from people of all ranks and backgrounds. In addition to providing feedback, the workshop is intended to provide an opportunity to connect with new people—especially for junior scholars. Participation in the workshop is free of charge and lunch and refreshments are provided for participants on both days of the workshop. On October 24, there is a workshop dinner for presenters. We also expect to be able to provide some financial support for accommodation for presenters. Supporting presenters without access to funding will be given priority. Participants must cover their own travel. Submit your abstract here<> by June 23. Best, Love Christensen (Aarhus University) Peter Thisted Dinesen (University of Copenhagen) Henning Finseraas (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Mikael Persson (University of Gothenburg) Love Christensen, Ph.D. Postdoctoral researcher Department of Political Science Aarhus University website:<> twitter: @lovecsen<> phone: +46762274381