Yale-UB HPE Workshop - 2 weeks left

Queralt, Didac
Thu, Feb 13, 2025 7:30 PM


June 30-July 1, 2025 (Barcelona)

Faculty from Yale University and the University of Barcelona are organizing the third edition of the Yale-UB Historical Political Economy Workshop at the University of Barcelona.

This workshop is designed for faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and advanced PhD students specializing in Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Political Economy, with a focus on Historical Political Economy.

Call for Papers (enclosed)##

The organizers welcome papers on a broad range of topics and methods that examine historical political episodes, as well as research exploring the legacies of historical events in the present day.


"Revolutionary Contagion," by Saumitra Jha (Stanford University) and Steven Wilkinson (Yale University)

Paper Submission

Submit your proposal by Feb 28, 2025 using this form: https://forms.gle/JMeLmngk46cF5e6v8 (you’ll need to sign-in with a Gmail account). If you cannot use the form, send the paper to: yaleubhpe.workshop@gmail.com Proposals that include a full draft will be given closer consideration. Decisions will be communicated via email in mid-March. The organizers will provide accommodation and meals, and limited financial assistance is available to help cover travel expenses.


Inquiries can be directed to Didac Queralt (didac.queralt@yale.edu) and Francesc Amat (francesc.amat@ub.edu), the Yale and UB conveners, respectively.

## 3rd YALE-UB HISTORICAL POLITICAL ECONOMY WORKSHOP ## ## June 30-July 1, 2025 (Barcelona) ## Faculty from Yale University and the University of Barcelona are organizing the third edition of the Yale-UB Historical Political Economy Workshop at the University of Barcelona. This workshop is designed for faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and advanced PhD students specializing in Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Political Economy, with a focus on Historical Political Economy. ## Call for Papers (enclosed)## The organizers welcome papers on a broad range of topics and methods that examine historical political episodes, as well as research exploring the legacies of historical events in the present day. ## Keynote ## "Revolutionary Contagion," by Saumitra Jha (Stanford University) and Steven Wilkinson (Yale University) ## Paper Submission ## Submit your proposal by Feb 28, 2025 using this form: https://forms.gle/JMeLmngk46cF5e6v8 (you’ll need to sign-in with a Gmail account). If you cannot use the form, send the paper to: yaleubhpe.workshop@gmail.com Proposals that include a full draft will be given closer consideration. Decisions will be communicated via email in mid-March. The organizers will provide accommodation and meals, and limited financial assistance is available to help cover travel expenses. ## QUESTIONS? ## Inquiries can be directed to Didac Queralt (didac.queralt@yale.edu) and Francesc Amat (francesc.amat@ub.edu), the Yale and UB conveners, respectively.