Fw: CfA S3DS 2024 - Swiss Summer School in Democracy Studies on Democratic Backsliding, University of Fribourg

WUNSCH Natasha
Mon, Mar 4, 2024 10:42 AM

Democratic Backsliding - Call for Applications 10th Swiss Summer School in Democracy Studies

The Doctoral Programme Democracy Studies announces the 10th Swiss Summer School in Democracy Studies on Democratic Backsliding from 9 to 13 September 2024. This year's programme will deal with theoretical approaches to democratic progress and regression, the roles of party competition and citizens for democratic backsliding, and the importance of political psychology for democracy. The four panels will take place in person at the University of Fribourg. The school will start with the Keynote Lecture hosted at the University of Zurich:

Keynote Lecture
Monday 9 September 2024, 14.30h.
Democracy under Threat: How Education Can Save It
Prof. Anja Neundorf University of Glasgow

moderated by Prof. Natasha Wunsch University of Fribourg

University of Zurich, main building

Tuesday 10

Panel 1

Theorising Democratic Progress and Regressions
University of Fribourg

Prof. Fabio Wolkenstein University of Vienna, Austria
moderated by Dr. Tom Mccrae Hunter University of Zurich, Switzerland

Wednesday 11

Panel 2

Party Competition and Democratic Backsliding

University of Fribourg

Prof. Jan Rovny Sciences Po, France

moderated by Dr. Jelle Koedam University of Zurich, Switzerland

Thursday 12

Panel 3

Citizens and Democratic Backsliding

University of Fribourg

Prof. Natasha Wunsch University of Fribourg, Switzerland

moderated by Dr. Andreas Juon ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Friday 13

Panel 4

Political Psychology and Democracy
University of Fribourg

Prof. Honorata Mazepus University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

moderated by Dr. Kiran Auerbach Universität Zürich, Switzerland

You can browse our website to read the detailed programme with abstractshttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.ipz.uzh.ch/en/study/doctorate/democracy-studies/summer-school/S3DS-2024.html__;!!Dc8iu7o!0Cd0rh5eHDJrnyQs2ORh4DybxqaL69NdSN9b_5cOES3TlfgV_8Ia8ZZIJZPOTDYIviDLKZW2_OnSUzvJNRYdXgh5q-8bh6ma0_IF$ and application instructionshttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.ipz.uzh.ch/en/study/doctorate/democracy-studies/summer-school/application-instructions.html__;!!Dc8iu7o!0Cd0rh5eHDJrnyQs2ORh4DybxqaL69NdSN9b_5cOES3TlfgV_8Ia8ZZIJZPOTDYIviDLKZW2_OnSUzvJNRYdXgh5q-8bhzCslrwQ$. The deadline for application submission is Wednesday, April 30, 2024. We appreciate you sharing the CfA with possibly interested PhD participants. In case you are interested in attending only as an auditor, you can already register on the Event Portal of the S3DShttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.ema.uzh.ch/en/register/s3ds24.html?group=433ae0a4-f7b2-4d2d-ac17-9abd9264f7ba*events__;Iw!!Dc8iu7o!0Cd0rh5eHDJrnyQs2ORh4DybxqaL69NdSN9b_5cOES3TlfgV_8Ia8ZZIJZPOTDYIviDLKZW2_OnSUzvJNRYdXgh5q-8bhzf3U1wh$.

Please share the call widely with interested junior scholars!

Best regards,

Daniele Caramani, UZH
Natasha Wunsch, UNIFR
Sofia Bollo, UZH
Riccarda Schmid, UNIFR

Swiss Summer School in Democracy Studies S3DS

Doctoral Programme Democracy Studies
University of Zurich

Affolternstrasse 56

CH-8050 Zurich

Office AFL-F-118

+(0)41 44 634 50 22



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Democratic Backsliding - Call for Applications 10th Swiss Summer School in Democracy Studies The Doctoral Programme Democracy Studies announces the 10th Swiss Summer School in Democracy Studies on Democratic Backsliding from 9 to 13 September 2024. This year's programme will deal with theoretical approaches to democratic progress and regression, the roles of party competition and citizens for democratic backsliding, and the importance of political psychology for democracy. The four panels will take place in person at the University of Fribourg. The school will start with the Keynote Lecture hosted at the University of Zurich: Keynote Lecture Monday 9 September 2024, 14.30h. Democracy under Threat: How Education Can Save It Prof. Anja Neundorf University of Glasgow moderated by Prof. Natasha Wunsch University of Fribourg University of Zurich, main building Tuesday 10 Panel 1 Theorising Democratic Progress and Regressions University of Fribourg Prof. Fabio Wolkenstein University of Vienna, Austria moderated by Dr. Tom Mccrae Hunter University of Zurich, Switzerland Wednesday 11 Panel 2 Party Competition and Democratic Backsliding University of Fribourg Prof. Jan Rovny Sciences Po, France moderated by Dr. Jelle Koedam University of Zurich, Switzerland Thursday 12 Panel 3 Citizens and Democratic Backsliding University of Fribourg Prof. Natasha Wunsch University of Fribourg, Switzerland moderated by Dr. Andreas Juon ETH Zurich, Switzerland Friday 13 Panel 4 Political Psychology and Democracy University of Fribourg Prof. Honorata Mazepus University of Amsterdam, Netherlands moderated by Dr. Kiran Auerbach Universität Zürich, Switzerland You can browse our website to read the detailed programme with abstracts<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.ipz.uzh.ch/en/study/doctorate/democracy-studies/summer-school/S3DS-2024.html__;!!Dc8iu7o!0Cd0rh5eHDJrnyQs2ORh4DybxqaL69NdSN9b_5cOES3TlfgV_8Ia8ZZIJZPOTDYIviDLKZW2_OnSUzvJNRYdXgh5q-8bh6ma0_IF$> and application instructions<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.ipz.uzh.ch/en/study/doctorate/democracy-studies/summer-school/application-instructions.html__;!!Dc8iu7o!0Cd0rh5eHDJrnyQs2ORh4DybxqaL69NdSN9b_5cOES3TlfgV_8Ia8ZZIJZPOTDYIviDLKZW2_OnSUzvJNRYdXgh5q-8bhzCslrwQ$>. The deadline for application submission is Wednesday, April 30, 2024. We appreciate you sharing the CfA with possibly interested PhD participants. In case you are interested in attending only as an auditor, you can already register on the Event Portal of the S3DS<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.ema.uzh.ch/en/register/s3ds24.html?group=433ae0a4-f7b2-4d2d-ac17-9abd9264f7ba*events__;Iw!!Dc8iu7o!0Cd0rh5eHDJrnyQs2ORh4DybxqaL69NdSN9b_5cOES3TlfgV_8Ia8ZZIJZPOTDYIviDLKZW2_OnSUzvJNRYdXgh5q-8bhzf3U1wh$>. Please share the call widely with interested junior scholars! Best regards, Daniele Caramani, UZH Natasha Wunsch, UNIFR Sofia Bollo, UZH Riccarda Schmid, UNIFR Swiss Summer School in Democracy Studies S3DS Doctoral Programme Democracy Studies University of Zurich Affolternstrasse 56 CH-8050 Zurich Office AFL-F-118 +(0)41 44 634 50 22 democracyschool@ipz.uzh.ch<mailto:democracyschool@ipz.uzh.ch> www.ipz.uzh.ch/en/s3ds<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.ipz.uzh.ch/en/s3ds__;!!Dc8iu7o!0Cd0rh5eHDJrnyQs2ORh4DybxqaL69NdSN9b_5cOES3TlfgV_8Ia8ZZIJZPOTDYIviDLKZW2_OnSUzvJNRYdXgh5q-8bhyFJVMct$> [A picture containing text Description automatically generated]