Hiring in Political Economy, Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (Assistant/Association Professor)

Despina Alexiadou
Tue, Sep 12, 2023 1:33 PM

Dear all,

We, are hiring in Political Economy, broadly defined (CPE/IPE) in the ranks of assistant or associate professor (https://strathvacancies.engageats.co.uk/Vacancies/W/4732/0/403384/15019/lecturer-senior-lecturer-in-political-economy-560100). Application deadline is November 1st.

Get in touch with Tony McGann, Head of Department (anthony.mcgann@strath.ac.uk) or me (despina.alexiadou@strath.ac.uk) if you have any questions.


Despina Alexiadou, PhD
Reader, Department of Government and Public Policy
University of Strathclyde
McCance Building, 413
Glasgow G1 1QX

Dear all, We, are hiring in Political Economy, broadly defined (CPE/IPE) in the ranks of assistant or associate professor (https://strathvacancies.engageats.co.uk/Vacancies/W/4732/0/403384/15019/lecturer-senior-lecturer-in-political-economy-560100). Application deadline is November 1st. Get in touch with Tony McGann, Head of Department (anthony.mcgann@strath.ac.uk) or me (despina.alexiadou@strath.ac.uk) if you have any questions. Best, Despina Despina Alexiadou, PhD Reader, Department of Government and Public Policy University of Strathclyde McCance Building, 413 Glasgow G1 1QX http://alexiadou.com