2 Pre Doc Job Openings at Univ. of Vienna, Dept. of Government (political opinion formation; political communication)

Julia Maria Theresia Barta
Mon, Nov 22, 2021 9:55 AM

Dear all,

the University of Vienna has currently announced the following two pre doc positions at the Department of Government (assigned to Prof. Sylvia Kritzinger). Both positions are online in the UNIVIE jobcenter from today (application deadline: 12.12.2021).

University Assistant (prae doc)  Reference number: 12512https://univis.univie.ac.at/ausschreibungstellensuche/flow/bew_ausschreibung-flow;jsessionid=A04B37BA6BB59EFAA8E2C5EB77B12F42?_flowExecutionKey=_c844A5D36-6182-FEF1-7473-C8C9DC02A87D_k0AC677BC-3F76-05DE-F525-F024793F5566&tid=88452.28&_language=en


  • Completed Master’s degree in the Social Sciences (Political Science, Communication Science, Economics, Sociology)
  • Research interest in political opinion formation and electoral behavior
  • Excellent knowledge of quantitative methods of data collection and analysis
  • Experience with survey methods, experiments and statistical analysis (e.g., Qualtrics, STATA, R)
  • Excellent English skills

University Assistant (prae doc)  Reference number: 12514https://univis.univie.ac.at/ausschreibungstellensuche/flow/bew_ausschreibung-flow?_flowExecutionKey=_cC2895B15-56C0-587C-A5EF-DDE3B675C5BB_k9DE113AD-C975-639F-8A08-860D2986F4E5&tid=88454.28


  • Completed Master’s degree in the Social Sciences (Political Science, Communication Science, Economics, Sociology)
  • Research interest in political communication
  • Excellent knowledge of quantitative methods of data collection and analysis
  • Experience with survey methods, experiments and statistical analysis (e.g., Qualtrics, STATA, R)
  • Excellent English skills

Please do not hesitate to get back to me in case you have any questions regarding the positions.

Best regards,
Julia Barta

Universität Wien
Institut für Staatswissenschaft
A-1090 Wien, Kolingasse 14-16

T    +43 1 4277 49730

Dear all, the University of Vienna has currently announced the following two pre doc positions at the Department of Government (assigned to Prof. Sylvia Kritzinger). Both positions are online in the UNIVIE jobcenter from today (application deadline: 12.12.2021). University Assistant (prae doc) Reference number: 12512<https://univis.univie.ac.at/ausschreibungstellensuche/flow/bew_ausschreibung-flow;jsessionid=A04B37BA6BB59EFAA8E2C5EB77B12F42?_flowExecutionKey=_c844A5D36-6182-FEF1-7473-C8C9DC02A87D_k0AC677BC-3F76-05DE-F525-F024793F5566&tid=88452.28&_language=en> Profile: - Completed Master’s degree in the Social Sciences (Political Science, Communication Science, Economics, Sociology) - Research interest in political opinion formation and electoral behavior - Excellent knowledge of quantitative methods of data collection and analysis - Experience with survey methods, experiments and statistical analysis (e.g., Qualtrics, STATA, R) - Excellent English skills University Assistant (prae doc) Reference number: 12514<https://univis.univie.ac.at/ausschreibungstellensuche/flow/bew_ausschreibung-flow?_flowExecutionKey=_cC2895B15-56C0-587C-A5EF-DDE3B675C5BB_k9DE113AD-C975-639F-8A08-860D2986F4E5&tid=88454.28> Profile: - Completed Master’s degree in the Social Sciences (Political Science, Communication Science, Economics, Sociology) - Research interest in political communication - Excellent knowledge of quantitative methods of data collection and analysis - Experience with survey methods, experiments and statistical analysis (e.g., Qualtrics, STATA, R) - Excellent English skills Please do not hesitate to get back to me in case you have any questions regarding the positions. Best regards, Julia Barta Universität Wien Institut für Staatswissenschaft A-1090 Wien, Kolingasse 14-16 T +43 1 4277 49730 E julia.barta@univie.ac.at<mailto:julia.barta@univie.ac.at> W https://staatswissenschaft.univie.ac.at/