5-year postdoc position at the University of Salzburg

Huber Robert
Mon, Oct 23, 2023 7:21 AM

Dear EPSA community,
The Department of Political Science at the University of Salzburg solicits applications for a postdoc/university assistant position in the field of political science methods.
The department is highly research active and ranked among the top 100 political science departments worldwide. A sustained process of internationalization through the recruitment of faculty from top institutions in Europe and North America and a clear focus on excellence in research have become distinctive features.
The key features of the advertised position are as follows:

  • Planned start of employment: 1 March 2024
  • Duration of employment: 5 years
  • Employment level in hours per week: 40
  • Working time: by arrangement
  • Employment requirement: doctoral degree in political science
  • Areas of responsibility: academic research including publishing in international journals; academic support in research and teaching as well as participation in administrative tasks in the field of political science methods; independent teaching of four hours per week per semester; Independent research in the field of political science with connectivity to the profile of the Chair of Methods in Political Science are desired. This includes, among other things, the fields of empirical democracy research and political behaviour, populism and extremism as well as research on climate and environmental policy.
  • Desired additional qualifications: ability to connect well to the research carried out within the department at the University of Salzburg as well as excellent methods skills
  • Desired personal characteristics: ability to work in a team, reliability, high level of commitment and ability to work under pressure
    For additional information, please contact Prof. Robert Huber (robert.huber@plus.ac.atmailto:robert.huber@plus.ac.at).

Please send your application, comprising a cover letter, a full CV and contact information for at least two academic references, and indicating the reference number GZ A 0182/1-2023, to: bewerbung@plus.ac.atmailto:bewerbung@plus.ac.at.
Application deadline November 1, 2023.
The legally binding German version of this job ad can be found at https://www.plus.ac.at/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/A-0182-Postdoc-FB-Politikwiss.pdf.

Dear EPSA community, The Department of Political Science at the University of Salzburg solicits applications for a postdoc/university assistant position in the field of political science methods. The department is highly research active and ranked among the top 100 political science departments worldwide. A sustained process of internationalization through the recruitment of faculty from top institutions in Europe and North America and a clear focus on excellence in research have become distinctive features. The key features of the advertised position are as follows: * Planned start of employment: 1 March 2024 * Duration of employment: 5 years * Employment level in hours per week: 40 * Working time: by arrangement * Employment requirement: doctoral degree in political science * Areas of responsibility: academic research including publishing in international journals; academic support in research and teaching as well as participation in administrative tasks in the field of political science methods; independent teaching of four hours per week per semester; Independent research in the field of political science with connectivity to the profile of the Chair of Methods in Political Science are desired. This includes, among other things, the fields of empirical democracy research and political behaviour, populism and extremism as well as research on climate and environmental policy. * Desired additional qualifications: ability to connect well to the research carried out within the department at the University of Salzburg as well as excellent methods skills * Desired personal characteristics: ability to work in a team, reliability, high level of commitment and ability to work under pressure For additional information, please contact Prof. Robert Huber (robert.huber@plus.ac.at<mailto:robert.huber@plus.ac.at>). Please send your application, comprising a cover letter, a full CV and contact information for at least two academic references, and indicating the reference number GZ A 0182/1-2023, to: bewerbung@plus.ac.at<mailto:bewerbung@plus.ac.at>. Application deadline November 1, 2023. The legally binding German version of this job ad can be found at https://www.plus.ac.at/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/A-0182-Postdoc-FB-Politikwiss.pdf.