Doctoral Researcher position at the Hertie School's Data Science Lab

Simon Munzert
Wed, Feb 21, 2024 8:40 AM

Call for Applications

Professor Simon Munzert, as part of the DFG Research Project "Election Forecasts for the German Federal Election 2025" invites applications for

1 Research Associate/PhD Researcher (gn)

part-time (30 hours per week), to start in late summer 2024. The enrolment in our doctoral program will start in September 2024.

The position is embedded in a collaborative project (, continuing and extending the group’s efforts to forecast the German Federal Elections 2025. Collaboration partners include researchers from the University of Mannheim and the University of Witten-Herdecke. The overall project features the development of a dynamic forecasting model, primary and secondary data collection that will inform local and national level forecasts, and an evaluation of the consequences of exposure to election forecasts for political behavior and attitudes. Furthermore, the project has a strong outreach component. As in previous election years, the group aims to cooperate with major news outlets to communicate the forecasts to a broad audience.

The project module that is based at the Hertie School and in which this position is embedded in aims to evaluate the consequences of exposure to election forecasts for political behavior and attitudes. How do voters, political elites (district candidates) and local experts (journalists) understand and make use of scientific election forecasts? And what are the consequences of election forecasts on political behavior and communication? To address these questions, the team will field a set of experiments to study the effects of election forecasts on recipients’ beliefs, citizens’ vote intentions, candidates’ positioning, and journalists’ reporting about the election race. Moreover, we want to investigate how to effectively communicate election forecasts to inform and not to distort consumers’ beliefs.

Your profile:

We invite applications by highly qualified graduates from the fields of political science or other related social sciences who have a high level of quantitative methods training and substantive interests in political behavior. Candidates should be fluent in both English and German, have strong skills in statistical software (R, Python and/or other) and hold or expect to hold a master’s degree by the beginning of the project. Individual initiative, responsibility, and the capacity to work within a team are valued. The successful applicants will pursue a PhD as part of the project.

Application and further information:

The deadline for the submission of your application is 15 April 2024. Applications are considered as they come in.

For more information and to submit applications, please consider the full ad online:

Call for Applications Professor Simon Munzert, as part of the DFG Research Project "Election Forecasts for the German Federal Election 2025" invites applications for 1 Research Associate/PhD Researcher (gn) part-time (30 hours per week), to start in late summer 2024. The enrolment in our doctoral program will start in September 2024. The position is embedded in a collaborative project (, continuing and extending the group’s efforts to forecast the German Federal Elections 2025. Collaboration partners include researchers from the University of Mannheim and the University of Witten-Herdecke. The overall project features the development of a dynamic forecasting model, primary and secondary data collection that will inform local and national level forecasts, and an evaluation of the consequences of exposure to election forecasts for political behavior and attitudes. Furthermore, the project has a strong outreach component. As in previous election years, the group aims to cooperate with major news outlets to communicate the forecasts to a broad audience. The project module that is based at the Hertie School and in which this position is embedded in aims to evaluate the consequences of exposure to election forecasts for political behavior and attitudes. How do voters, political elites (district candidates) and local experts (journalists) understand and make use of scientific election forecasts? And what are the consequences of election forecasts on political behavior and communication? To address these questions, the team will field a set of experiments to study the effects of election forecasts on recipients’ beliefs, citizens’ vote intentions, candidates’ positioning, and journalists’ reporting about the election race. Moreover, we want to investigate how to effectively communicate election forecasts to inform and not to distort consumers’ beliefs. Your profile: We invite applications by highly qualified graduates from the fields of political science or other related social sciences who have a high level of quantitative methods training and substantive interests in political behavior. Candidates should be fluent in both English and German, have strong skills in statistical software (R, Python and/or other) and hold or expect to hold a master’s degree by the beginning of the project. Individual initiative, responsibility, and the capacity to work within a team are valued. The successful applicants will pursue a PhD as part of the project. Application and further information: The deadline for the submission of your application is 15 April 2024. Applications are considered as they come in. For more information and to submit applications, please consider the full ad online: