Call for Posters at WebSci24

Menke, Maluna
Thu, Nov 16, 2023 10:55 AM

Call for Posters

We invite submissions to the poster session of the 16th International ACM Conference on Web Science in 2024 (WebSci’24). The poster session is an opportunity to present shorter, early results, and for researchers from different disciplines to share both unpublished and previously published work with one another and with the Web Science community.

Posters submitted will have an opportunity to be archived by the ACM Digital Library and included in the ACM proceedings as adjunct companion if they present original work that has not been previously published and in English. Additionally, to support a greater audience, this year we are encouraging authors who would like to present their posters but opt-out of proceedings to take part in conferences. All posters submitted go through the same review process regardless of their opt-in/out of proceeding status.

In addition to the topics listed for Web Science paper submissions, additional possible topics appropriate for posters submissions include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • ●  Qualitative study of community

  • ●  Theorizing Web behavior, content, and structures

  • ●  Artwork providing challenges to and imaginings around the Web

  • ●  Emerging legal frontiers around Web Science

●  Practitioner perspectives from industry

Important Dates

  • February 15, 2024 Deadline for poster submission
  • April 1, 2024 Notification of acceptance. Acceptances and rejections of posters are sent out.
  • May 1, 2024 Final publication version due. Presenters who do not opt out of having their contribution appear in the ACM proceedings must upload the camera-ready copy of their paper to EasyChair by this date.

*All deadlines are with respect to Anywhere on Earth time (AoE)

The review process and publication information are the same as for the WebSci’24 paper track, while considering shorter contributions.

Submission instructions

Posters must not exceed 2 pages in ACM SIG Conference Proceedings format, including references. See (from the zip files provided, please select the SIGCONF version.) Submissions that opt-in to be included in the ACM proceedings must present original, unpublished work.

Please upload your submissions via EasyChair by selecting the ACM-WebSci24 Posters track at:

Review Process

Posters receive 2 reviews and one Meta review from the senior PC committee. While the review process is lighter than main track papers we encourage the authors to state the contribution and originality of your work clearly and explicitly: What is the problem? How does your approach help? Why is it better than other available approaches? Focus on the contribution of your work rather than the background, including just enough background to make clear how your work differs from significant prior research.


Authors of accepted posters are required to submit their final camera-ready by 1st of May 2024 for inclusion in the ACM Digital Library. Additionally, authors will be asked to prepare a 1-page poster.

As WebSci 2024 is fully in-person, we expect at least one author for each accepted poster to attend and present their work. Poster authors will need to bring a physical poster that can be displayed during the poster session at the conference. The space allocated for each poster is 48 inches by 48 inches (121 x 121 cm). Posters are recommended to be no longer or wider than 45 inches (114 cm) in either dimension; however, up to 47 inches (119 cm) is allowable. Smaller posters are acceptable. For example, either A0 (vertical format) or A1 is an acceptable size for the poster.

Posters should be affixed to the poster boards with push pins, not tape. The conference will provide push pins. Each board will have a label indicating where your poster should be placed; please allow time to find your board and set up your poster.

Call for Posters We invite submissions to the poster session of the 16th International ACM Conference on Web Science in 2024 (WebSci’24). The poster session is an opportunity to present shorter, early results, and for researchers from different disciplines to share both unpublished and previously published work with one another and with the Web Science community. Posters submitted will have an opportunity to be archived by the ACM Digital Library and included in the ACM proceedings as adjunct companion if they present original work that has not been previously published and in English. Additionally, to support a greater audience, this year we are encouraging authors who would like to present their posters but opt-out of proceedings to take part in conferences. All posters submitted go through the same review process regardless of their opt-in/out of proceeding status. In addition to the topics listed for Web Science paper submissions, additional possible topics appropriate for posters submissions include (but are not limited to) the following: * ● Qualitative study of community * ● Theorizing Web behavior, content, and structures * ● Artwork providing challenges to and imaginings around the Web * ● Emerging legal frontiers around Web Science ● Practitioner perspectives from industry Important Dates * February 15, 2024 Deadline for poster submission * April 1, 2024 Notification of acceptance. Acceptances and rejections of posters are sent out. * May 1, 2024 Final publication version due. Presenters who do not opt out of having their contribution appear in the ACM proceedings must upload the camera-ready copy of their paper to EasyChair by this date. *All deadlines are with respect to Anywhere on Earth time (AoE) The review process and publication information are the same as for the WebSci’24 paper track, while considering shorter contributions. Submission instructions Posters must not exceed 2 pages in ACM SIG Conference Proceedings format, including references. See (from the zip files provided, please select the SIGCONF version.) Submissions that opt-in to be included in the ACM proceedings must present original, unpublished work. Please upload your submissions via EasyChair by selecting the ACM-WebSci24 Posters track at: Review Process Posters receive 2 reviews and one Meta review from the senior PC committee. While the review process is lighter than main track papers we encourage the authors to state the contribution and originality of your work clearly and explicitly: What is the problem? How does your approach help? Why is it better than other available approaches? Focus on the contribution of your work rather than the background, including just enough background to make clear how your work differs from significant prior research. Post-Acceptance Authors of accepted posters are required to submit their final camera-ready by 1st of May 2024 for inclusion in the ACM Digital Library. Additionally, authors will be asked to prepare a 1-page poster. As WebSci 2024 is fully in-person, we expect at least one author for each accepted poster to attend and present their work. Poster authors will need to bring a physical poster that can be displayed during the poster session at the conference. The space allocated for each poster is 48 inches by 48 inches (121 x 121 cm). Posters are recommended to be no longer or wider than 45 inches (114 cm) in either dimension; however, up to 47 inches (119 cm) is allowable. Smaller posters are acceptable. For example, either A0 (vertical format) or A1 is an acceptable size for the poster. Posters should be affixed to the poster boards with push pins, not tape. The conference will provide push pins. Each board will have a label indicating where your poster should be placed; please allow time to find your board and set up your poster.