Dear EPSA Colleagues,
Applications are still open until January 17, 2025 for the
Postdoctoral Fellowship
in Technology and International Security through the
University of California systemwide Institute on Global Conflict and
Cooperation (IGCC). If you know anyone I should reach out to directly,
please let me know their contact and I'll personally reach out with an
invitation to apply.
The postdoctoral fellowship is part of a collaborative initiative between
IGCC and the UC-managed National Laboratories: the Center for Global
Security Research at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and
the Center for National Security and International Studies at the Los
Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).
As a part of the joint-initiative, we invite applications for up to six
postdoctoral fellowship positions in Technology and International Security.
Applications can be found here
Ahe final application deadline is January 17, 2025.
The residential fellowship program will be based in Washington D.C. for a
24-month term in line with the 2025-27 academic years. Eligible applicants
should expect to receive a Ph.D. degree by September 1, 2025.
If you or your graduate students have any questions, please
contact: Marie Thiveos Stewart at at the University of
California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation.
Best wishes,
Neil Narang
Neil Narang;!!Mih3wA!ALBUKR5XWKjXOM3Qrk2py8NUFI6q3n-bMXbIWnf0EcpLvfHoN8AHCnVaFQGwip6kMzhspA4P9EVzsLXGZDPkUB0$
Director of Research, UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC)
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science;!!Mih3wA!ALBUKR5XWKjXOM3Qrk2py8NUFI6q3n-bMXbIWnf0EcpLvfHoN8AHCnVaFQGwip6kMzhspA4P9EVzsLXGcmQamN8$
, University of California - Santa Barbara;!!Mih3wA!ALBUKR5XWKjXOM3Qrk2py8NUFI6q3n-bMXbIWnf0EcpLvfHoN8AHCnVaFQGwip6kMzhspA4P9EVzsLXGCu8ipUM$
(e) • (t) +1 571 308-9945 callto:15713089945 • (f) +1
805 893-3309 callto:18058933309