Final call: Data and methods workshop on Central-Eastern European politics - November 23-24, Budapest

Sebők Miklós
Fri, Sep 29, 2023 10:37 AM

Dear colleagues,

We invite submissions to the workshop on "Studying Central-Eastern European Politics in the Age of AI – A Workshop on Data and Methods". The workshop will take place in Budapest on November 23-24. A limited number of travel funds are available. Please find details below and in the attachment. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Best regards,

Miklos Sebok

Miklós SEBŐK, Ph.D.

Senior research fellow
Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest

Principal investigator

+36 30 434 2356

New research:

Sebők M., R Kiss, I Járay (2023). Introducing HUNCOURT: A New Open Legal Database Covering the Decisions of the Hungarian Constitutional Court for Between 1990 and 2021 Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-34
Sebők, M., R Kiss, Á Kovács  (2023). The Concept and Measurement of Legislative Backsliding Parliamentary Affairs, 1-32

Sebők, M., M. Balázs, Á, & Molnár, C. (2022). Punctuated equilibrium and progressive friction in socialist autocracy, democracy and hybrid regimes. Journal of Public Policy, 1-23.

Sebők, M., Kubik, B., Molnár, Cs., Járay, I., Székely, A. (2022), Measuring legislative stability – A new approach with data from Hungary, European Political Science


We invite scholars from various fields (including politics, communication, linguistics, legal etc.) to submit their proposals related to data and methods-related presentations with a focus on Central-Eastern Europe. We are particularly interested in presentations relying on a text-as-data framework (Cardie and Wilkerson, 2008; Monroe and Schrodt, 2008; Wilkerson and Casas, 2017; Grimmer and Stewart, 2013), and those applying cutting-edge quantitative and/or artificial intelligence-supported methodology to quantify and evaluate policy agendas in the region (see e.g. studies associated with the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP), following the research agenda presented in Baumgartner, Breunig, and Grossman (2019).

Data presentations will mainly focus on collections featuring text data from 1990 on (although historical datasets will also be considered) including parliamentary, executive/presidential/government/policy documents, print, online, and social media, as well as archives related to the constitutional/legal agenda. Methods presentations will primarily review work related to the collection, hosting, cleaning/processing, and analysis (including machine learning and large language models) of textual data as well as linguistic issues concerning the region.

Only submissions explicitly addressing the data collection and/or methodology of the research project will be assessed. We welcome presentations on ongoing projects and work-in-progress, as well as already published work and data repositories.

The workshop is organized by poltextLAB (poltextlab.com at the HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest.  Organising committee: Rebeka Kiss, Ákos Máté, Csaba Molnár, Orsolya Ring, Miklós Sebők.

Duration: 1pm, November 23rd (Thursday), - 1pm, November 24th (Friday)

Venue: Centre for Social Sciences, 4 Tóth Kálmán utca, Budapest 1097  (Google Maps

Target Audience: Both senior scholars and PhD/postdoctoral level participants

Participation: Accepted participants are expected to do a 10-minute presentation on their data and/or methodological work and serve as chairs/discussants.

The application form is available here:

The submission deadline for proposals is September 30, 2023. Applicants will be notified on an ongoing basis, but no later than October 6, 2023.

The registration fee and the workshop dinner for all accepted presenters are kindly sponsored by our partners: HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, MORES (Horizon Europe), V-SHIFT Momentum Research Group (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory of Hungary, the COMPTEXT Conference (comptextconference.org and the Visegrád Fund.

There are a limited number of travel grants available for one presenting author per paper for economy flights, train or bus rides, and for one night of accommodation. Please indicate on the submission form if you would like to be considered for the travel grant. Please keep in mind that we can offer a limited number of travel grants, and we apply a first come, first served policy for accepted proposals.

Please contact Laura Seben for additional information at

Dear colleagues, We invite submissions to the workshop on "Studying Central-Eastern European Politics in the Age of AI – A Workshop on Data and Methods". The workshop will take place in Budapest on November 23-24. A limited number of travel funds are available. Please find details below and in the attachment. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. Best regards, Miklos Sebok Miklós SEBŐK, Ph.D. Senior research fellow Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest Principal investigator<> E-mail: +36 30 434 2356 New research: Sebők M., R Kiss, I Járay (2023). Introducing HUNCOURT: A New Open Legal Database Covering the Decisions of the Hungarian Constitutional Court for Between 1990 and 2021<> Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-34 Sebők, M., R Kiss, Á Kovács (2023). The Concept and Measurement of Legislative Backsliding<> Parliamentary Affairs, 1-32 Sebők, M., M. Balázs, Á, & Molnár, C. (2022). Punctuated equilibrium and progressive friction in socialist autocracy, democracy and hybrid regimes. Journal of Public Policy, 1-23. Sebők, M., Kubik, B., Molnár, Cs., Járay, I., Székely, A. (2022), Measuring legislative stability – A new approach with data from Hungary, European Political Science CALL FOR PAPERS We invite scholars from various fields (including politics, communication, linguistics, legal etc.) to submit their proposals related to data and methods-related presentations with a focus on Central-Eastern Europe. We are particularly interested in presentations relying on a text-as-data framework (Cardie and Wilkerson, 2008; Monroe and Schrodt, 2008; Wilkerson and Casas, 2017; Grimmer and Stewart, 2013), and those applying cutting-edge quantitative and/or artificial intelligence-supported methodology to quantify and evaluate policy agendas in the region (see e.g. studies associated with the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP), following the research agenda presented in Baumgartner, Breunig, and Grossman (2019). Data presentations will mainly focus on collections featuring text data from 1990 on (although historical datasets will also be considered) including parliamentary, executive/presidential/government/policy documents, print, online, and social media, as well as archives related to the constitutional/legal agenda. Methods presentations will primarily review work related to the collection, hosting, cleaning/processing, and analysis (including machine learning and large language models) of textual data as well as linguistic issues concerning the region. Only submissions explicitly addressing the data collection and/or methodology of the research project will be assessed. We welcome presentations on ongoing projects and work-in-progress, as well as already published work and data repositories. The workshop is organized by poltextLAB (<>) at the HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest. Organising committee: Rebeka Kiss, Ákos Máté, Csaba Molnár, Orsolya Ring, Miklós Sebők. Duration: 1pm, November 23rd (Thursday), - 1pm, November 24th (Friday) Venue: Centre for Social Sciences, 4 Tóth Kálmán utca, Budapest 1097 (Google Maps<>) Target Audience: Both senior scholars and PhD/postdoctoral level participants Participation: Accepted participants are expected to do a 10-minute presentation on their data and/or methodological work and serve as chairs/discussants. The application form is available here: The submission deadline for proposals is September 30, 2023. Applicants will be notified on an ongoing basis, but no later than October 6, 2023. The registration fee and the workshop dinner for all accepted presenters are kindly sponsored by our partners: HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, MORES (Horizon Europe), V-SHIFT Momentum Research Group (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory of Hungary, the COMPTEXT Conference (<>) and the Visegrád Fund. There are a limited number of travel grants available for one presenting author per paper for economy flights, train or bus rides, and for one night of accommodation. Please indicate on the submission form if you would like to be considered for the travel grant. Please keep in mind that we can offer a limited number of travel grants, and we apply a first come, first served policy for accepted proposals. Please contact Laura Seben for additional information at<>.