*Voting Advice Applications: Methodological Innovations, Behavioural
Effects, and Research Perspectives
Edited by Diego Garzia, Stefan Marschall, Mathias Wessel Tromborg, and
Andreas Brøgger Albertsen
/Deadline for Abstracts: 15 May 2025 /| /Deadline for Articles: 31
August 2025/
Politics and Governance, peer-reviewed journal indexed in the Social
Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science; Impact Factor: 2.5) and Scopus
(CiteScore: 4.9), welcomes new and exciting research papers for its
upcoming issue "Voting Advice Applications: Methodological Innovations,
Behavioural Effects, and Research Perspectives," edited by Diego Garzia,
Stefan Marschall, Mathias Wessel Tromborg, and Andreas Brøgger Albertsen.
The group of online tools labelled Voting Advice Applications (VAAs)
serves voters to compare their policy preferences on major issues with
the stances of political parties/candidates on these policies. The
impressive numbers of users visiting VAA websites during election
campaigns have led political scientists to research the effects of these
tools on users’ electoral behavior and became a topic of democratic
theory. The articles in this issue must address the role of VAAs in
European democracies and the European Union and bridge VAA research to
central fields of political science, such as electoral studies, party
research, and democratic theory.
Authors interested in submitting a paper for this issue are encouraged
to read the full call for papers:
Abstracts welcome by 15 May 2025.
Kindest regards,
Carolina Correia Politics and Governance Cogitatio Press 1070-129 Lisbon
Portugal New issues (open access): Vol 12 (2024): Challenging Democracy:
How Do Ideas of Populists and Disenchanted Citizens Align?
https://www.cogitatiopress.com/politicsandgovernance/issue/view/385 Vol
13 (2025): Ditching the Maastricht Model? The Evolving Role of the
European Central Bank in the Economic and Monetary Union
*Voting Advice Applications: Methodological Innovations, Behavioural
Effects, and Research Perspectives
Edited by Diego Garzia, Stefan Marschall, Mathias Wessel Tromborg, and
Andreas Brøgger Albertsen
/Deadline for Abstracts: 15 May 2025 /| /Deadline for Articles: 31
August 2025/
Politics and Governance, peer-reviewed journal indexed in the Social
Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science; Impact Factor: 2.5) and Scopus
(CiteScore: 4.9), welcomes new and exciting research papers for its
upcoming issue "Voting Advice Applications: Methodological Innovations,
Behavioural Effects, and Research Perspectives," edited by Diego Garzia,
Stefan Marschall, Mathias Wessel Tromborg, and Andreas Brøgger Albertsen.
The group of online tools labelled Voting Advice Applications (VAAs)
serves voters to compare their policy preferences on major issues with
the stances of political parties/candidates on these policies. The
impressive numbers of users visiting VAA websites during election
campaigns have led political scientists to research the effects of these
tools on users’ electoral behavior and became a topic of democratic
theory. The articles in this issue must address the role of VAAs in
European democracies and the European Union and bridge VAA research to
central fields of political science, such as electoral studies, party
research, and democratic theory.
Authors interested in submitting a paper for this issue are encouraged
to read the full call for papers:
Abstracts welcome by 15 May 2025.
Kindest regards,
Carolina Correia Politics and Governance Cogitatio Press 1070-129 Lisbon
Portugal New issues (open access): Vol 12 (2024): Challenging Democracy:
How Do Ideas of Populists and Disenchanted Citizens Align?
https://www.cogitatiopress.com/politicsandgovernance/issue/view/385 Vol
13 (2025): Ditching the Maastricht Model? The Evolving Role of the
European Central Bank in the Economic and Monetary Union