Dear colleagues,
Please find below calls for applications for two postdocs and one PhD position in political science to work with me in a project on democratic norms ( I would be grateful if you could forward this to potentially interested candidates:
If questions emerge candidates can directly approach me:
Thanks so much for sharing this widely!
Best wishes,
Daniel Bischof
Associate Professor | Department of Political Science | Aarhus University
Ambizione Grant Holder | Department of Political Science | University of Zurich
Building: 1340 | Room: 234
Phone: +45 87 16 56 15
Dear colleagues,
Please find below calls for applications for two postdocs and one PhD position in political science to work with me in a project on democratic norms ( I would be grateful if you could forward this to potentially interested candidates:
* Postdoc 1 ("citizen-level”, up to 3 years): public opinion formation using (quasi-) experimental methods<https://%20>
* Postdoc 2 ("elite-level”, up to 3 years): media effects and political communication more generally using quantitative methods (quantitative text analysis would be nice but not necessary)<https://%20>
* PhD (3 years, fully funded): broadly covering public opinion formation, democracy studies, elite behavior (including party competition and politics)<>
If questions emerge candidates can directly approach me:
Thanks so much for sharing this widely!
Best wishes,
Daniel Bischof
Associate Professor | Department of Political Science | Aarhus University
Ambizione Grant Holder | Department of Political Science | University of Zurich
Building: 1340 | Room: 234
Phone: +45 87 16 56 15<>