Dear colleagues,
The Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association of Ireland will take place at University College Dublin over the weekend of the 8th–9th October 2021.
We invite paper and panel (3–5 papers) proposals from all areas of the discipline.
Submission deadline: 30 June 2021
Conference website:
Queries and suggestions:
Paper proposals require a title, author names, emails, and affiliations, and an abstract of up to 200 words.
Panel proposals require a full list of papers, with authors and abstracts as regular paper submissions, with details on panel title and chair. The conference organisers reserve the final say in the allocation of accepted papers to panels. Panel organisers are asked to ensure that appropriate attention is given to balance in respect of gender and stage in career development.
If the Covid-19 public health crisis prevents a physical conference from taking place in October, the conference will take place on Zoom.
Best regards,
James P Cross, Stefan Müller, and Dawn Walsh
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Stefan Müller, PhD
Assistant Professor and Ad Astra Fellow
University College Dublin
School of Politics and International Relations