Call for papers - Workshop "Political Regimes and their Search for Legitimacy"

Gianni Del Panta
Mon, Feb 10, 2025 4:19 PM

Dear all,

We would like to inform you that, thanks to the co-financing of SISP
(Italian Political Science Association) and the Department of Social and
Political Sciences at the University of Milan, the Standing Group on
Political Regimes is organizing a research workshop on the theme "Political
regimes and their search for legitimacy

The workshop will take place at the University of Milan on June 6, 2025,
and will include a morning session during which several papers will be
presented and discussed, followed by an afternoon lecture with guest
speaker Dr. Johannes Gerschewski. Those interested in participating can
refer to the attached call for papers. We remain available for any further
information and would appreciate it if you could spread the news through
your networks.

Paper proposals (maximum 350 words) must be submitted through the online
form at by March 15, 2025. A limited number
of proposals will be selected, with priority given to those submitted by
early-career researchers. Participation is free, and thanks to the
financial support of SISP, we will be able to contribute to some travel
expenses for PhD students and postdocs.

Best regards,
Tiziana Corda and Gianni Del Panta

Dear all, We would like to inform you that, thanks to the co-financing of SISP (Italian Political Science Association) and the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan, the Standing Group on Political Regimes is organizing a research workshop on the theme "*Political regimes and their search for legitimacy*." The workshop will take place at the *University of Milan* on *June 6, 2025*, and will include a morning session during which several papers will be presented and discussed, followed by an afternoon lecture with guest speaker *Dr. Johannes Gerschewski*. Those interested in participating can refer to the attached call for papers. We remain available for any further information and would appreciate it if you could spread the news through your networks. Paper proposals (maximum 350 words) must be submitted through the online form at *by March 15, 2025*. A limited number of proposals will be selected, with priority given to those submitted by early-career researchers. Participation is free, and thanks to the financial support of SISP, we will be able to contribute to some travel expenses for PhD students and postdocs. Best regards, Tiziana Corda and Gianni Del Panta