Recruiting one or more 3-year postdocs to ERC-funded project (University of Gothenburg)

Aksel Sundström
Mon, Oct 23, 2023 7:28 PM

I am recruiting one or more postdocs (3-year fulltime position, no mandatory teaching) in my ERC StG project Fem-LEAD and I am now reaching broadly with this call. We are looking for a profile towards elections, public opinion or behavior (using quantitative methods), but there is overall flexibility to applicants’ profiles and interests.

The project is briefly described in the call:

The position is based at the research-intensive Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

See also

Application deadline is about five weeks from now.

Aksel Sundström
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg
PI for the Quality of Government (QoG) Data team

I am recruiting one or more postdocs (3-year fulltime position, no mandatory teaching) in my ERC StG project Fem-LEAD and I am now reaching broadly with this call. We are looking for a profile towards elections, public opinion or behavior (using quantitative methods), but there is overall flexibility to applicants’ profiles and interests. The project is briefly described in the call: The position is based at the research-intensive Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. See also<> Application deadline is about five weeks from now. ____________________________________________ Aksel Sundström Associate Professor Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg<> PI for the Quality of Government (QoG) Data team<>