Postdoctoral research position in European Politics (EU enlargement) at ETH Zurich

Schimmelfennig Frank
Mon, Oct 2, 2023 1:28 PM

Dear colleagues,

We're looking to fill a three-year postdoc position in an EU-funded project on EU enlargement. Application deadline 31 October 2023.
For details, see Postdoctoral Position in European Politics (EU Enlargement) (

Best wishes,
Frank Schimmelfennig
European Politics
Center for Comparative and International Studies
ETH Zurich

Dear colleagues, We're looking to fill a three-year postdoc position in an EU-funded project on EU enlargement. Application deadline 31 October 2023. For details, see Postdoctoral Position in European Politics (EU Enlargement) (<> Best wishes, Frank Schimmelfennig European Politics Center for Comparative and International Studies ETH Zurich