CfP: Workshop - The Backstage of Protest Camps

Rebecca Kittel
Tue, Dec 12, 2023 11:05 AM

Dear all,

We are organizing a workshop on protest camp organization and logistics
on 14./15. March 2024 at Free University Berlin. Please find our call
for papers below!

*CfP: The backstage of protest camps: conceptualizing infrastructure,
logistics, and organization of popular uprisings *

Workshop, March 14-15, 2024 at Free University Berlin

The analysis of the organizational setup, the logistics, and the overall
infrastructure of protest camps to meet the needs of protest
participants is crucial in order to explain different protest out comes
and to assess important and fundamental questions about the course, the
legitimacy, and the impact of popular uprisings. However, due to the
conceptual and methodological difficulties in analyzing the backstage of
protest camps, especially in non-democratic settings, we have remarkably
little systematic data about these facilities. For our workshop we
invite theoretical, conceptual and empirical contributions focusing on
the backstage of protest camps in different regions either from a
comparative perspective or in-depth case studies. The workshop will
focus on the infrastructure and logistics of protest camps, both in
democratic and autocratic settings. A group of selected papers from the
workshop will be published in a special issue.

The workshop is scheduled for March 14-15, 2024 at Free University
. Researchers at any stage in their career are welcome to submit
an abstract until January 5, 2024 (400-600 words as pdf) to and upon acceptance a draft paper to the
workshop until March 10, 2024. We are especially keen in having PhD
candidates as well as postdoctoral researchers to join the discussion.
We are happy to provide travel funds and accommodation within the limits
of our funding rules but we are also prepared to organize the workshop
in a hybrid format.


Anna Fruhstorfer, Head Research Group & Principal Investigator, ERC
Starting Grant LOOPS, Free University Berlin & WZB Berlin,

Rebecca Kittel, Postdoctoral Researcher, ERC Starting Grant LOOPS, Free
University Berlin & WZB Berlin,

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We look
forward to your proposals!

All the best,
Anna and Rebecca

Dr. Rebecca Kittel
Post-Doctoral Researcher

Freie Universität Berlin
Institute for East European Studies
Garystr. 55 - Room 222
14195 Berlin, Germany

WZB Berlin Social Sience Center
Center for Civil Society Research
Reichpietschufer 50
10785 Berlin, Germany

Dear all, We are organizing a workshop on protest camp organization and logistics on 14./15. March 2024 at Free University Berlin. Please find our call for papers below! *CfP: The backstage of protest camps: conceptualizing infrastructure, logistics, and organization of popular uprisings * *Workshop, March 14-15, 2024 at Free University Berlin* The analysis of the organizational setup, the logistics, and the overall infrastructure of protest camps to meet the needs of protest participants is crucial in order to explain different protest out comes and to assess important and fundamental questions about the course, the legitimacy, and the impact of popular uprisings. However, due to the conceptual and methodological difficulties in analyzing the backstage of protest camps, especially in non-democratic settings, we have remarkably little systematic data about these facilities. For our workshop we invite theoretical, conceptual and empirical contributions focusing on the backstage of protest camps in different regions either from a comparative perspective or in-depth case studies. The workshop will focus on the infrastructure and logistics of protest camps, both in democratic and autocratic settings. A group of selected papers from the workshop will be published in a special issue. The workshop is scheduled for *March 14-15, 2024 at Free University Berlin*. Researchers at any stage in their career are welcome to submit an *abstract until January 5, 2024 (400-600 words as pdf)* to and upon acceptance a draft paper to the workshop until March 10, 2024. We are especially keen in having PhD candidates as well as postdoctoral researchers to join the discussion. We are happy to provide travel funds and accommodation within the limits of our funding rules but we are also prepared to organize the workshop in a hybrid format. *Organizers:* Anna Fruhstorfer, Head Research Group & Principal Investigator, ERC Starting Grant LOOPS, Free University Berlin & WZB Berlin, Rebecca Kittel, Postdoctoral Researcher, ERC Starting Grant LOOPS, Free University Berlin & WZB Berlin, Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to your proposals! All the best, Anna and Rebecca -- *Dr. Rebecca Kittel* Post-Doctoral Researcher *ERC-Project LOOPS* Freie Universität Berlin Institute for East European Studies Garystr. 55 - Room 222 14195 Berlin, Germany WZB Berlin Social Sience Center Center for Civil Society Research Reichpietschufer 50 10785 Berlin, Germany