Dear all,
My research group currently advertises a predoc position (3 years),
starting October 1st, 2023. We are looking for someone who is as
interested as we are in topics such as legitimacy, polarization,
politicization, democracy, and / or sustainability and in methods from
the fields of computational social science and / or data linkage.
More information on the position including what we have to offer to the
new colleague is available her:
(please scroll down for the english version). In addition, please note
that despite the German university system being at times somewhat old
school, knowledge of the German language is not necessary for the
advertised position.
The new team member will be part of our vibrant PolSci department that
combines a nice and stimulating atmosphere with a great location within
Münster. If you have any questions regarding the position or the
application process, please do not hesitate to contact me. The deadline
is June 11.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Bernd Schlipphak
Department of Political Science
WWU Muenster
Scharnhorststr. 100
D-48151 Münster
0049 251 83 25016
(2022) When are governmental blaming strategies effective? JEPP (with P. Meiners, O. Treib & C. Schäfer)
(2022) What kind of EU do citizens want? Reform preferences and the conflict over Europe. JEPP (with C. Schäfer & O. Treib)
(2022) Crisis Affectedness, Elite Cues, and Public IO Legitimacy. RIO (with P. Meiners & O. Kiratli)
(2022) Attitudes toward the European Union in the MENA Region. EFAR (with M. Isani)