APSG Call for Participants

APSG Workshop
Wed, Nov 8, 2023 5:24 PM

Dear all,

The Authoritarian Political Systems Group (APSG) is delighted to announce
the Call for Participants for the 2-day Conference “New Faces and Methods
in Authoritarian Politics,” which will be held at Tulane University, New
Orleans, Louisiana, on 23-24 May 2024.

We are looking for eight early- to advanced-career scholars to take part
in a critical discussion on the current state of the field of authoritarian
politics. The aim of the conference is to discuss promising and innovative
theoretical and methodological contributions arising in research on
authoritarian politics. We encourage submissions from traditionally
underrepresented groups, including women and minorities. As we strive to
provide a comprehensive perspective on autocracies worldwide, we also
encourage submissions from scholars whose regional areas of study are not
adequately represented in the mainstream study of authoritarianism. Professor
Martin K. Dimitrov (Tulane), Professor Jennifer Gandhi (Yale), and
Professor Thomas Pepinsky (Cornell) will join us as keynote speakers.

How to apply?

*Apply by 10 December, 2023 *at this link:

In the form, we will ask you to write an abstract of 500 to 800 words,
specifying your:

  • theory/theoretical framework and what
  • data sources and/or
  • methods you are using to test it. Please specify in which ways they
    mean an innovation or contribution to the field.

What do we offer?

Along with the 2-day in-depth discussions on new trends in authoritarian
politics, we will offer participants accommodation for two nights, and
. This will also include a dinner reception on 23 May.

Furthermore, we offer the opportunity to work towards the publication of a
collective research output as a result of the conference discussion.

Please check out our website
the most up-to-date information about the conference. We look forward to
receiving your proposal!

Authoritarian Political Systems Group

Fabio Angiolillo
Emilia Simison
Felix Wiebrecht
Ruilin Lai

Dear all, The Authoritarian Political Systems Group (APSG) is delighted to announce the Call for Participants for the *2-day Conference “New Faces and Methods in Authoritarian Politics,” which will be held at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, on 23-24 May 2024.* We are looking for *eight early- to advanced-career scholars* to take part in a critical discussion on the current state of the field of authoritarian politics. The aim of the conference is to discuss promising and innovative theoretical and methodological contributions arising in research on authoritarian politics. We encourage submissions from traditionally underrepresented groups, including women and minorities. As we strive to provide a comprehensive perspective on autocracies worldwide, we also encourage submissions from scholars whose regional areas of study are not adequately represented in the mainstream study of authoritarianism. *Professor Martin K. Dimitrov (Tulane), Professor Jennifer Gandhi (Yale), and Professor Thomas Pepinsky (Cornell) will join us as keynote speakers.* *How to apply?* *Apply by 10 December, 2023 *at this link: https://forms.gle/p4GZ5NivGiAzGUMSA In the form, we will ask you to write an abstract of 500 to 800 words, specifying your: - theory/theoretical framework and what - data sources and/or - methods you are using to test it. Please specify in which ways they mean an innovation or contribution to the field. *What do we offer?* Along with the 2-day in-depth discussions on new trends in authoritarian politics, we will *offer participants accommodation for two nights, and meals*. This will also include a dinner reception on 23 May. Furthermore, we offer the opportunity to work towards the publication of a collective research output as a result of the conference discussion. Please check out our website <https://apsg.work/call-for-participants-new-faces-and-methods-in-authoritarian-politics/> for the most up-to-date information about the conference. We look forward to receiving your proposal! Best, Authoritarian Political Systems Group Fabio Angiolillo Emilia Simison Felix Wiebrecht Ruilin Lai