3 year doctoral position (comparative politics) at the University of Bamberg

Sieberer, Ulrich
Wed, Oct 26, 2022 11:49 AM

Dear list members,

I seek applications for a position of doctoral researcher (50% part time,
fixed-term for 3 years) at my chair at the University of Bamberg starting
April 1, 2023. The responsibilities include joint and independent research,
teaching (1 class per semester for 3 semesters and 2 classes every fourth
semester) in the areas of comparative politics and applied quantitative
methods, and some administrative duties. At least in the long run, teaching
should be in German.  This is an open call, i.e. there are no pre-selected

Suitable candidates have completed a master’s degree in political science,
preferably in the area of comparative politics, with an empirical-analytical
focus. They have advanced knowledge in quantitative research methods and in
at least one of the following research areas: institutional design and
institutional change; legislative and executive politics; political
competition and political opposition; legislative behavior; political
representation. Knowledge on modern methods of causal inference and/or
Computational Social Science is an asset.

The formal job advertisement is available at
l_EN.pdf (in English) and
l_DE.pdf (in German).

Applications should include cover letter, CV, list of publications,
transcripts of degrees, a one-page summary of your research profile, the
names of two references, and a work sample (e.g. part of the master thesis).
Applications should be emailed as a single pdf-file to
ulrich.sieberer@uni-bamberg.de mailto:ulrich.sieberer@uni-bamberg.de .

The application deadline is December 1, 2022.

I am happy to answer questions via email (ulrich.sieberer@uni-bamberg.de
mailto:ulrich.sieberer@uni-bamberg.de ) and look forward to applications.

Best regards

Ulrich Sieberer

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Sieberer

Chair for Empirical Political Science

Director Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS)

University of Bamberg

Feldkirchenstraße 21

D-96052 Bamberg

Tel.: +49 (0)951 863 2805

Email:  mailto:ulrich.sieberer@uni-bamberg.de

Web:  http://www.uni-bamberg.de/emppol www.uni-bamberg.de/emppol

       <http://www.uni-bamberg.de/bagss> www.uni-bamberg.de/bagss 


Hohendorf, Lukas/Sieberer, Ulrich, 2022, Parteienwettbewerb im Bundestag
nach dem Einzug der AfD und während der Corona-Krise: eine Analyse
namentlicher Abstimmungen, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 53(2), 261 –
286, doi: 10.5771/0340-1758-2022-2-261.

Dzida, Angela/Schmuck, David/Sieberer, Ulrich, 2022, Being Empowered or
Feeling Like a Pawn? How Ministerial Reorganization Affects the Work
Motivation of Top-Level Bureaucrats, Politische Vierteljahresschrift Online
First, doi: 10.1007/s11615-022-00394-7.

Sieberer, Ulrich/Höhmann, Daniel, 2022, Do party system parameters explain
differences in legislative organization? Fragmentation, polarization, and
the density of regulation in European parliaments, 1945–2009, Party Politics
28(4), 597-610, doi: 10.1177/13540688211002490.

Dear list members, I seek applications for a position of doctoral researcher (50% part time, fixed-term for 3 years) at my chair at the University of Bamberg starting April 1, 2023. The responsibilities include joint and independent research, teaching (1 class per semester for 3 semesters and 2 classes every fourth semester) in the areas of comparative politics and applied quantitative methods, and some administrative duties. At least in the long run, teaching should be in German. This is an open call, i.e. there are no pre-selected candidates. Suitable candidates have completed a master’s degree in political science, preferably in the area of comparative politics, with an empirical-analytical focus. They have advanced knowledge in quantitative research methods and in at least one of the following research areas: institutional design and institutional change; legislative and executive politics; political competition and political opposition; legislative behavior; political representation. Knowledge on modern methods of causal inference and/or Computational Social Science is an asset. The formal job advertisement is available at https://www.uni-bamberg.de/fileadmin/abt-personal/Homepage_ab_2016-03/10_Ste llenausschreibungen/02_Wissenschaftliche_Beschaeftigte/2022-12-01_SoWi_EmpPo l_EN.pdf (in English) and https://www.uni-bamberg.de/fileadmin/abt-personal/Homepage_ab_2016-03/10_Ste llenausschreibungen/02_Wissenschaftliche_Beschaeftigte/2022-12-01_SoWi_EmpPo l_DE.pdf (in German). Applications should include cover letter, CV, list of publications, transcripts of degrees, a one-page summary of your research profile, the names of two references, and a work sample (e.g. part of the master thesis). Applications should be emailed as a single pdf-file to ulrich.sieberer@uni-bamberg.de <mailto:ulrich.sieberer@uni-bamberg.de> . The application deadline is December 1, 2022. I am happy to answer questions via email (ulrich.sieberer@uni-bamberg.de <mailto:ulrich.sieberer@uni-bamberg.de> ) and look forward to applications. Best regards Ulrich Sieberer ----------------------------- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Sieberer Chair for Empirical Political Science Director Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) University of Bamberg Feldkirchenstraße 21 D-96052 Bamberg Tel.: +49 (0)951 863 2805 Email: <mailto:ulrich.sieberer@uni-bamberg.de> ulrich.sieberer@uni-bamberg.de Web: <http://www.uni-bamberg.de/emppol> www.uni-bamberg.de/emppol <http://www.uni-bamberg.de/bagss> www.uni-bamberg.de/bagss NEW PUBLICATIONS: Hohendorf, Lukas/Sieberer, Ulrich, 2022, Parteienwettbewerb im Bundestag nach dem Einzug der AfD und während der Corona-Krise: eine Analyse namentlicher Abstimmungen, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 53(2), 261 – 286, doi: 10.5771/0340-1758-2022-2-261. Dzida, Angela/Schmuck, David/Sieberer, Ulrich, 2022, Being Empowered or Feeling Like a Pawn? How Ministerial Reorganization Affects the Work Motivation of Top-Level Bureaucrats, Politische Vierteljahresschrift Online First, doi: 10.1007/s11615-022-00394-7. Sieberer, Ulrich/Höhmann, Daniel, 2022, Do party system parameters explain differences in legislative organization? Fragmentation, polarization, and the density of regulation in European parliaments, 1945–2009, Party Politics 28(4), 597-610, doi: 10.1177/13540688211002490.