Dear all,
The 5th edition of the Specialization Course on the Geopolitics of Sub-Saharan Africa will take place from the 19th of June 19th to the 23rd of June 2023, from 5 pm to 9 pm (GMT+1).
The sub-theme of this edition is Russia’s presence in Africa.
The course will be online and taught in English.
Focus on Russia’s presence in Africa:
Russia’s Africa Ambitions
Alex Vines (Chatham House)
The Putin 's Russia footprint in Africa: the African vector in Russian foreign policy
Sónia Sénica (UAL e IPRI-NOVA)
The Russian challenge to European interests and values in Sub-Saharan Africa
Licínia Simão (FEUC/CES)
Cold War Handbook, Hybrid Tools & Contemporary Realities: Russia’s Proxies and Presence in Africa
Cyprian Kozera (University of Warsaw)
Contesting the lusophonie in Africa? Russia's influence in Mozambique
Ana Isabel Xavier (OBSERVARE/UAL)
Private Military Companies. The case of Russia's Wagner Group
Andreas Heinemann-Gruder (University of Bonn)
The activity of the Wagner group in Africa
Tenente-General Marco Serronha
General theme:
Conflicts, separatism, and secession in the Horn of Africa
Aleksi Ylonen (CEI-Iscte/IUL)
Climate Change, Migration and Securitisation: Lessons from Guinea-Bissau
Cláudia Santos (ICS-ULisboa)
The African Union’s foreign and security policy
Frank Mattheis (UNU-CRIS)
Please see the attached poster for more details.
To register, please click on the “Candidatura” option on this webpage
Then select “Ano lectivo: 2022-23”; “Tipo de curso: Outros cursos”; “Curso: Curso de Geopolítica da África Subsariana” and “Regime de frequência: Diurno” and them press “Seguinte”. Fill the remaining information to register.
Please feel free to share this information with your networks.
Best regards,
Ricardo Real P. de Sousa
Professor Auxiliar / Assistant Professor – Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI), Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (FCSH)
Vice-Presidente do Departamento de Sociologia na UBI/FCSH / Vice-President of the Sociology Department at UBI/FCSH
Investigador integrado no Centro de Estudos Internacionais-Iscte/IUL / Integrated researcher at Centre for International Studies-Iscte/IUL
Personal web page (eng)
Last publications:
with Oliveira, Gilberto Carvalho de
(2021 Conflict Resolution Interventions in the Conflict Cycle. Working Paper CEsA CSG 185/2021 (pp. 1-65)
(2021 Intelectual Pillars of the Conflict Resolution Field.
(2020 As Intervenções de Resolução de Conflitos no Ciclo do Conflito.
(2020 Os Níveis de Intensidade no Ciclo do Conflito.
(2021 “Conflict Resolution – Actors, Dynamics and Cases”. New York: Nova Publishers, United States of America. ISBN: 978-1-53619-497-5
(2020 "Resolução de Conflitos – Estudos de Casos". Curitiba: Juruá Editora, Brasil. ISBN 978-65-5605-223-6