*Unequal Participation Among Youth and Immigrants
Edited by Arndt Leininger and Sabrina Mayer
/Deadline for Abstracts: 15 May 2024 /| /Deadline for Articles: 15
September 2024/
Politics and Governance, peer-reviewed journal indexed in the Social
Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science; Impact Factor: 2.2) and Scopus
(CiteScore: 4.2), welcomes new and exciting research papers for its
upcoming issue "Unequal Participation Among Youth and Immigrants:
Analyzing Political Attitudes and Behavior in Societal Subgroups,"
edited by Arndt Leininger (Chemnitz University of Technology) and
Sabrina Mayer (University of Bamberg).
Contributions to this issue will focus on the political attitudes or
behavior of youth, ethnic minorities, immigrants (or people with a
migration background), or the intersection of these groups; they can
analyze political attitudes, (formal and informal) participation
patterns, or focus on interventions to bridge the participation gap.
Research that includes additional categories such as gender or social
class would be of particular interest. We welcome both quantitative and
qualitative approaches.
Authors interested in submitting a paper for this issue are encouraged
to read the full call for papers:
Abstracts welcome by 15 May 2024.
Kindest regards,
Carolina Correia Politics and Governance Cogitatio Press 1070-129 Lisbon
Portugal New issues (open access): Vol 12 (2024): From Kabul to Kyiv:
The Crisis of Liberal Interventionism and the Return of War
https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.i375 Vol 12 (2024): Active Labour Market
Policies and Youth Employment in European Peripheries
*Unequal Participation Among Youth and Immigrants
Edited by Arndt Leininger and Sabrina Mayer
/Deadline for Abstracts: 15 May 2024 /| /Deadline for Articles: 15
September 2024/
Politics and Governance, peer-reviewed journal indexed in the Social
Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science; Impact Factor: 2.2) and Scopus
(CiteScore: 4.2), welcomes new and exciting research papers for its
upcoming issue "Unequal Participation Among Youth and Immigrants:
Analyzing Political Attitudes and Behavior in Societal Subgroups,"
edited by Arndt Leininger (Chemnitz University of Technology) and
Sabrina Mayer (University of Bamberg).
Contributions to this issue will focus on the political attitudes or
behavior of youth, ethnic minorities, immigrants (or people with a
migration background), or the intersection of these groups; they can
analyze political attitudes, (formal and informal) participation
patterns, or focus on interventions to bridge the participation gap.
Research that includes additional categories such as gender or social
class would be of particular interest. We welcome both quantitative and
qualitative approaches.
Authors interested in submitting a paper for this issue are encouraged
to read the full call for papers:
Abstracts welcome by 15 May 2024.
Kindest regards,
Carolina Correia Politics and Governance Cogitatio Press 1070-129 Lisbon
Portugal New issues (open access): Vol 12 (2024): From Kabul to Kyiv:
The Crisis of Liberal Interventionism and the Return of War
https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.i375 Vol 12 (2024): Active Labour Market
Policies and Youth Employment in European Peripheries