The 42nd annual meeting of the Society for Political Methodology (Polmeth) will take place July 17-19, 2025, at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. The meeting is hosted by the Emory Department of Political Science and Department of Quantitative Theory and Methods.
Polmeth is the premier venue to showcase and receive feedback on recent work in the field of political methodology as well as empirical applications of quantitative methods to substantive questions in political science and beyond. It is also a fantastic opportunity to build professional networks and meet the next generation of political scientists. We invite you to join our community.
Applications are now being accepted for paper proposals, posters, and attendance. The deadline is March 15, 2025. The application and details on how to apply are available on the conference website on the “Apply” tab We plan to have acceptance notifications sent out by late April.
To broaden participation, funds will be available to defray the cost of conference registration, single-occupancy accommodations in suite-style Emory dorms, and some additional travel expenses for some participants.
Code of Conduct: The Society requires that all participants acknowledge and follow the Code of Conduct to ensure a harassment-free environment at the meeting. If you are invited to participate, you will be asked to confirm your agreement in the registration form. You can read the Code of Conduct on the SPM's website
If you have any questions about the conference, including any queries about accommodations to facilitate your participation, please email with “Polmeth2025” in the subject line. This email address is monitored by the conference organizers.
We strongly encourage SPM members to spread the word about the conference through their networks so we can ensure an enriching meeting. We look forward to seeing many of you this summer in Atlanta.
Emory Polmeth Host Committee –
Adam Glynn, co-chair (Emory)
Nahomi Ichino, co-chair (Emory)
Kevin Esterling (UC Riverside)
Kevin McAlister (Emory)
Pablo Montagnes (Emory)
Zac Peskowitz (Emory)
Kevin Quinn (Emory)
Nahomi Ichino
Associate Professor | Department of Political Science, Emory University
Co-Director of Methods and Trainings | Evidence in Governance and Politics (EGAP)