CfP: workshop on generational politics at NoPSA 2024

Jana Birke Belschner
Tue, Dec 12, 2023 7:51 AM

** Apologies for cross posting**

Dear All,

This is just a gentle reminder for the upcoming deadline on 15th December to send an abstract to our workshop on generational politics. The 2024 Congress of the Nordic Political Science Association will take place in Bergen, Norway, from the 25th to the 28th of June 2024. Scholars from inside and outside of the Nordic region are invited to participate, and we particularly encourage early career scholars to send in their abstracts. NoPSA is organized in thematic workshops, which gives participants the opportunity to discuss papers and projects in depth with colleagues with similar research interests. Further information about NoPSA can be found here:

We look forward to receiving your submissions.
Jana and Josefina

Title: Generational Politics: Participation, Representation, and Policy
Jana Belschner, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen;
Josefina Sipinen, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Politics, Tampere University;

Language: English
Summary: Do aging societies fail to represent the interests of young generations? Political issues like climate change, abortion rights, and restrictions on education during the pandemic (will) disproportionately affect today's young generations. At the same time, demographic aging, a growing age gap in voting participation, and the underrepresentation of young people in parliaments and governments may lead to a shift of political power toward middle-aged and older generations.
Against this background, this workshop aims to bring together theories and empirical investigations of generational cleavages in political participation and representation. We invite contributions from across the social sciences that engage with generational and life-cycle-related differences in people's political participation and political preferences, their presence in political institutions, and/or the substantive representation of different generations' priorities and interests. Topics covered in the workshop include, and are not limited to,

  • Theories of generational justice and political demography
  • Youth and senior citizens' formal and informal political participation
  • Generational cleavages in political preferences
  • Life-cycle-related interest groups (senior citizens and youth groups)
  • The role of political parties in engaging with young and senior citizens
  • Young and old politicians
  • Generational policy congruence and responsiveness
  • Investigations of these topics both in aging and "younging" societies

The deadline to submit an abstract (max. 200 words) is 15th of December 2023. Please send your submission directly to the workshop chairs. Notification of acceptance will be given by January 15th.

Jana Belschner
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Comparative Politics
University of Bergen
Phone: +47 94 98 50 98

** Apologies for cross posting** Dear All, This is just a gentle reminder for the upcoming deadline on 15th December to send an abstract to our workshop on generational politics. The 2024 Congress of the Nordic Political Science Association will take place in Bergen, Norway, from the 25th to the 28th of June 2024. Scholars from inside and outside of the Nordic region are invited to participate, and we particularly encourage early career scholars to send in their abstracts. NoPSA is organized in thematic workshops, which gives participants the opportunity to discuss papers and projects in depth with colleagues with similar research interests. Further information about NoPSA can be found here: We look forward to receiving your submissions. Jana and Josefina Title: Generational Politics: Participation, Representation, and Policy Jana Belschner, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen;<> Josefina Sipinen, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Politics, Tampere University;<> Language: English Summary: Do aging societies fail to represent the interests of young generations? Political issues like climate change, abortion rights, and restrictions on education during the pandemic (will) disproportionately affect today's young generations. At the same time, demographic aging, a growing age gap in voting participation, and the underrepresentation of young people in parliaments and governments may lead to a shift of political power toward middle-aged and older generations. Against this background, this workshop aims to bring together theories and empirical investigations of generational cleavages in political participation and representation. We invite contributions from across the social sciences that engage with generational and life-cycle-related differences in people's political participation and political preferences, their presence in political institutions, and/or the substantive representation of different generations' priorities and interests. Topics covered in the workshop include, and are not limited to, * Theories of generational justice and political demography * Youth and senior citizens' formal and informal political participation * Generational cleavages in political preferences * Life-cycle-related interest groups (senior citizens and youth groups) * The role of political parties in engaging with young and senior citizens * Young and old politicians * Generational policy congruence and responsiveness * Investigations of these topics both in aging and "younging" societies The deadline to submit an abstract (max. 200 words) is 15th of December 2023. Please send your submission directly to the workshop chairs. Notification of acceptance will be given by January 15th. --------------------------------------------------- [cid:image001.png@01DA2CD8.72CD5BB0] Jana Belschner Postdoctoral Researcher Department of Comparative Politics University of Bergen Phone: +47 94 98 50 98<>