Call for Papers | Workshop on activism and policymaking | IWPP4, 26-28 June 2024

Raffaele Bazurli
Fri, Nov 17, 2023 1:15 PM

Dear colleagues,

Professor Walter J. Nicholls and I are organising a workshop titled “Shaping Policymaking from the Ground Up: Activism and Governance in Multi-Level Institutional Settings”, in the context of the International Workshops on Public Policy (IWPP4), held on 26-28 June 2024 in a hybrid mode (in Guadalajara, Mexico, and online). The deadline to submit a paper proposal is 31 January 2024.

The aim of our workshop is to understand when, why, and how activism can shape policymaking processes in multi-level institutional settings. This question has animated extensive research in the fields of public policy analysis, social movement studies, and political geography, giving rise to a vibrant yet siloed debate. Bringing together experts and insights from these different scholarships, the workshop will make a path-breaking contribution to the study of public policy in times of political polarisation and institutional rescaling.

The International Workshops on Public Policy are the ideal venue for scholars with similar interests who want to engage deeply with each others’ research, forge new collaborations, and develop an ambitious publication project. The format is thus different from that of most academic conferences. Each workshop hosts 15-20 scholars, allowing them to explore a specific research question in an intensive way and intimate setting. We envision a special issue in a reputable public policy journal and/or and an edited book as main output of our workshop.

Please that IWPP4 will be held in a hybrid mode, meaning that some paper presentations can be conducted online.

You can find the full description of the workshop and the call for papers at this link:

Details on the International Workshops on Public Policy (IWPP4) are available at this link:

We would be very grateful if you could share this call for papers with any colleagues and students who might be interested to attend. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you very much and best wishes,

Raffaele Bazurli

Dr Raffaele Bazurli
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow
School of Politics and International Relations
Queen Mary University of London
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Just out | Explaining Variation in City Sanctuary Policies: Insights from American and European Cities in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (2023)

Research project | Sanctuary Policies for Irregular Migrants in European Cities (SPIMEC)

Dear colleagues, Professor Walter J. Nicholls and I are organising a workshop titled “Shaping Policymaking from the Ground Up: Activism and Governance in Multi-Level Institutional Settings”, in the context of the International Workshops on Public Policy (IWPP4), held on 26-28 June 2024 in a hybrid mode (in Guadalajara, Mexico, and online). The deadline to submit a paper proposal is 31 January 2024. The aim of our workshop is to understand when, why, and how activism can shape policymaking processes in multi-level institutional settings. This question has animated extensive research in the fields of public policy analysis, social movement studies, and political geography, giving rise to a vibrant yet siloed debate. Bringing together experts and insights from these different scholarships, the workshop will make a path-breaking contribution to the study of public policy in times of political polarisation and institutional rescaling. The International Workshops on Public Policy are the ideal venue for scholars with similar interests who want to engage deeply with each others’ research, forge new collaborations, and develop an ambitious publication project. The format is thus different from that of most academic conferences. Each workshop hosts 15-20 scholars, allowing them to explore a specific research question in an intensive way and intimate setting. We envision a special issue in a reputable public policy journal and/or and an edited book as main output of our workshop. Please that IWPP4 will be held in a hybrid mode, meaning that some paper presentations can be conducted online. You can find the full description of the workshop and the call for papers at this link: Details on the International Workshops on Public Policy (IWPP4) are available at this link: We would be very grateful if you could share this call for papers with any colleagues and students who might be interested to attend. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you very much and best wishes, Raffaele Bazurli Dr Raffaele Bazurli Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow School of Politics and International Relations Queen Mary University of London Website<> | Twitter<> Just out | Explaining Variation in City Sanctuary Policies: Insights from American and European Cities<> in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (2023) Research project | Sanctuary Policies for Irregular Migrants in European Cities<> (SPIMEC)