Call for Papers: Conference on "Democracy: From Erosion to Resilience"

Lupu, Noam
Mon, Oct 21, 2024 8:47 PM

Democracy is on the defensive. Across a wide range of countries, democratic institutions are eroding, civil liberties and political rights are threatened, and mass publics are disillusioned. Political scientists have spent recent years vastly expanding our understanding of these troubling developments.

The discipline has paid far less attention, however, to cases where political elites have successfully resisted backsliding, actors have built inclusive and effective institutions, and citizens have renewed their commitment to democracy. And yet, if we want to rebuild democratic systems, we need to better understand these instances of resilience.

With that goal in mind, we invite colleagues to submit paper proposals for a one-day workshop on democratic erosion and resilience to be held on Friday, June 6, 2025, at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. We invite empirical papers on this topic that rely on research conducted in any region of the world and using any methodological approach. We especially welcome research that connects processes of democratic decay to opportunities for democratic resilience and studies that yield actionable policy implications.

The conveners will cover economy airfare and two nights of hotel for one author from each selected paper.

Paper proposals should be submitted by November 30, 2024, using this form:

Accepted paper authors will be notified by January 15, 2025.

Please direct any questions to

Noam Lupu
Center for Global Democracy, Vanderbilt University

Rachel Riedl
Center on Global Democracy, Cornell University

Dan Slater
Center for Emerging Democracies, University of Michigan

Democracy is on the defensive. Across a wide range of countries, democratic institutions are eroding, civil liberties and political rights are threatened, and mass publics are disillusioned. Political scientists have spent recent years vastly expanding our understanding of these troubling developments. The discipline has paid far less attention, however, to cases where political elites have successfully resisted backsliding, actors have built inclusive and effective institutions, and citizens have renewed their commitment to democracy. And yet, if we want to rebuild democratic systems, we need to better understand these instances of resilience. With that goal in mind, we invite colleagues to submit paper proposals for a one-day workshop on democratic erosion and resilience to be held on Friday, June 6, 2025, at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. We invite empirical papers on this topic that rely on research conducted in any region of the world and using any methodological approach. We especially welcome research that connects processes of democratic decay to opportunities for democratic resilience and studies that yield actionable policy implications. The conveners will cover economy airfare and two nights of hotel for one author from each selected paper. Paper proposals should be submitted by November 30, 2024, using this form: Accepted paper authors will be notified by January 15, 2025. Please direct any questions to Noam Lupu Center for Global Democracy, Vanderbilt University Rachel Riedl Center on Global Democracy, Cornell University Dan Slater Center for Emerging Democracies, University of Michigan