V-Dem search

Johannes Lindvall
Wed, Feb 12, 2025 1:33 PM

Dear colleagues,

The Department of Political Science in Gothenburg is hiring a new Director for the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Institute, a global center for research on democracy and authoritarianism that produces the widely used V-Dem dataset. The Director will also serve as a permanent ("tenured") member of the Department, with reduced teaching responsibilities during their tenure as Director.

We encourage applications from scholars at different stages of their careers. We are primarily interested in someone who is excited about the opportunity of building on the successes of the Institute's current leadership and working with its dedicated staff and its international scholarly network to develop the Institute's activities for the future.

The deadline is 27 March. This link will take you directly to the ad: Göteborgs universitet | Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Political Science and Director of the V-Dem Institutehttps://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I005/1035/job?site=7&lang=UK&validator=9b89bead79bb7258ad55c8d75228e5b7&job_id=36593

Please don't hesitate to reach out to one of us if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Michael Coppedge (coppedge.1@nd.edu) mailto:coppedge.1@nd.edu)%20 and John Gerring (jgerring@austin.utexas.edumailto:jgerring@austin.utexas.edu), V-Dem PIs

Johannes Lindvall (johannes.lindvall@gu.semailto:johannes.lindvall@gu.se), Department of Political Science, Gothenburg

Dear colleagues, The Department of Political Science in Gothenburg is hiring a new Director for the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Institute, a global center for research on democracy and authoritarianism that produces the widely used V-Dem dataset. The Director will also serve as a permanent ("tenured") member of the Department, with reduced teaching responsibilities during their tenure as Director. We encourage applications from scholars at different stages of their careers. We are primarily interested in someone who is excited about the opportunity of building on the successes of the Institute's current leadership and working with its dedicated staff and its international scholarly network to develop the Institute's activities for the future. The deadline is 27 March. This link will take you directly to the ad: Göteborgs universitet | Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Political Science and Director of the V-Dem Institute<https://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I005/1035/job?site=7&lang=UK&validator=9b89bead79bb7258ad55c8d75228e5b7&job_id=36593> Please don't hesitate to reach out to one of us if you have any questions. Best regards, Michael Coppedge (coppedge.1@nd.edu) <mailto:coppedge.1@nd.edu)%20> and John Gerring (jgerring@austin.utexas.edu<mailto:jgerring@austin.utexas.edu>), V-Dem PIs Johannes Lindvall (johannes.lindvall@gu.se<mailto:johannes.lindvall@gu.se>), Department of Political Science, Gothenburg