EPSA abstract submission deadline

Matthew Shaikh
Tue, Dec 5, 2023 10:23 AM

Dear colleagues,

The deadline for submitting abstracts for EPSA 2024 is fast approaching.
You can submit your proposed abstracts here
https://conference-service.com/epsa2024/access.html. Proposals will be
accepted until 15th December 2023.

The 14th annual conference of the European Political Science Association
will take place from 4-6 July in Cologne, Germany, Mediapark (Komed). More
information on the conference and the call for papers can be found on the
EPSA website https://epsanet.org/epsa2024-general-info/.

We look forward to seeing you in Cologne.

Matthew Shaikh

Dear colleagues, The deadline for submitting abstracts for EPSA 2024 is fast approaching. You can submit your proposed abstracts here https://conference-service.com/epsa2024/access.html. Proposals will be accepted until *15th December 2023*. The 14th annual conference of the European Political Science Association will take place from 4-6 July in Cologne, Germany, Mediapark (Komed). More information on the conference and the call for papers can be found on the EPSA website https://epsanet.org/epsa2024-general-info/. We look forward to seeing you in Cologne. -- Matthew Shaikh