Short-term research positions (pre-doc) at WZB Berlin / EU digital policy & text analysis

Christian Rauh
Wed, Oct 4, 2023 12:59 PM

Dear colleagues,

For a short-term project that seeks to analyse the justifications and
narratives that the European Commission has provided in communicating
about digital policy over the last two decades, we are currently looking
for two predoctoral researchers for a period of 12-14 months
(remuneration 75% TVÖD E13

The positions are ideal for candidates seeking to enhance their research
exposure and develop research design and analysis skills before
embarking on an own PhD research project. Besides team work in the
project, the employment leaves room for the development of PhD proposals
in the topical area of the project.

The project is jointly led by the department for Global Governance (GG,
Christian Rauh) and the research group Politics of Digitalisation
(POLDI, Julia Pohle) at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center.
Please note that the two researchers will have to be based in Berlin
during their work with us - it is not a remote position. Knowledge of
the German language would be nice but is not a requirement.

More information about the project, the research center and the job
requirements can be found here:
The deadline for applications is October 29.

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who could be interested.

With kind regards,
Christian Rauh

Prof. Dr. Christian Rauh

/Senior researcher/
WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Research Unit Global Governance

/S/W2 Professor for the Politics of Multilevel Governance/
University of Potsdam
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

/Recent publications include:/

Dear colleagues, For a short-term project that seeks to analyse the justifications and narratives that the European Commission has provided in communicating about digital policy over the last two decades, we are currently looking for two predoctoral researchers for a period of 12-14 months (remuneration 75% TVÖD E13 <>). The positions are ideal for candidates seeking to enhance their research exposure and develop research design and analysis skills before embarking on an own PhD research project. Besides team work in the project, the employment leaves room for the development of PhD proposals in the topical area of the project. The project is jointly led by the department for Global Governance (GG, Christian Rauh) and the research group Politics of Digitalisation (POLDI, Julia Pohle) at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. Please note that the two researchers will have to be based in Berlin during their work with us - it is not a remote position. Knowledge of the German language would be nice but is not a requirement. More information about the project, the research center and the job requirements can be found here: The deadline for applications is October 29. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who could be interested. With kind regards, Christian Rauh -- *Prof. Dr. Christian Rauh <>* /Senior researcher/ WZB Berlin Social Science Center Research Unit Global Governance /S/W2 Professor for the Politics of Multilevel Governance/ University of Potsdam Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences /Recent publications include:/ * Christian Rauh(2022) Clear messages to the European public? The language of European Commission press releases 1985–2020 <> /Journal of European Integration/: Online First. * Christian Rauh(2022) Supranational emergency politics? What executives’ public crisis communication may tell us. <> /Journal of European Public Policy/ 29/6: 966-78. * Christian Rauh(2021) One agenda-setter or many? The varying success of policy initiatives by individual Directorates-General of the European Commission 1994–2016. <> /European Union Politics/ 22(1): 3-24. * Christian Rauh, Bart Bes, Martijn Schoonvelde(2020) Undermining, defusing, or defending European integration? Assessing public communication of European executives in times of EU politicization. <> /European Journal of Political Research/ 59(2): 397-423. * Christian Rauh and Michael Zürn(2020) Authority, politicization, and alternative justifications: endogenous legitimation dynamics in global economic governance. <> /Review of International Political Economy/ 27(3): 583-611.