3 year postdoc Duisburg comparative survey and experiments

Prof. Dr. Achim Goerres
Fri, Jul 7, 2023 3:06 PM

Dear all,

I am recruiting a fulltime postdoc in a three-year position at the
University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Duisburg, in Germany.

The candidate will work with 80 % in my ERC project POLITSOLID
https://bit.ly/politsolid and be responsible for a comparative panel
survey and field experiments and have 20 % to pursue his or her own
research agenda and teaching.

We are a relatively young university (20 years) with the biggest
political science department in Northrhine-Westphalia.

Project communication is in English.

Command of German must be acquired at the level of B1 within the first
year for departmental and some external communication.

Job ad in English


in German


Deadline is the 15th of August. Jakob Kemper jakob.kemper@uni-due.de
(before 17 July) and I achim.goerres@uni-due.de (after) will answer any

Please distribute widely.

Many thanks


Prof. Dr. Achim Goerres
Professor of Empirical Political Science | University of Duisburg-Essen |http://www.achimgoerres.de

Just published
Kumlin, Staffan/ Goerres, Achim (2022): Electoral Campaigns and Welfare State Change: Democratic Linkage and Leadership under Pressure, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Goerres, Achim/ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Elis, Jonas (2022): Die Wahlbeteiligung von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern mit familiärer Migrationsgeschichte. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Förderung, Stiftung Zentrum für Türkeistudien und Integrationsforschung (gefördert von der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung): Essen.

Goerres, Achim/ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Spies, Dennis C./ Elis, Jonas (2022): Wählerinnen und Wähler mit Einwanderungsgeschichte im Bundestagswahlkampf: Erste Ergebnisse der Immigrant German Election Study II (IMGES II) aus Duisburg von Mai bis November 2021. SocArXiv. April 9.https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/j72pb

Höhne, Jan Karem/ Goerres, Achim (forthcoming). Question Order effects: How Robust are Survey Measures on Political Solidarities with Reference to Germany and Europe? International Journal of Social Research Methodology.

Elis, Jonas/ Goerres, Achim/ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Spies, Dennis C. (forthcoming): Comparing the mobilising Effects of In-person Canvassing to Postal Reminders: Experimental Evidence from a Longitudinal Election Study, International Journal of Social Research Methodology.

Goerres, Achim/ Höhne, Jan Karem (forthcoming): Evaluating the Response Effort and Data Quality of Established Political Solidarity Measures: A Pre-Registered Experimental Test in an Online Survey of the German Adult Resident Population in 2021, Quality and Quantity. Open Accesshttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-022-01594-4

Spies, Dennis C./ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Elis, Jonas/ Goerres, Achim (2023): Why do Immigrants Support an Anti-Immigrant Party? Russian-Germans and the Alternative for Germany, West European Politics, 46/2: 275-99, Open Accesshttps://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2022

Dear all, I am recruiting a fulltime postdoc in a three-year position at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Duisburg, in Germany. The candidate will work with 80 % in my ERC project POLITSOLID https://bit.ly/politsolid and be responsible for a comparative panel survey and field experiments and have 20 % to pursue his or her own research agenda and teaching. We are a relatively young university (20 years) with the biggest political science department in Northrhine-Westphalia. Project communication is in English. Command of German must be acquired at the level of B1 within the first year for departmental and some external communication. Job ad in English https://bit.ly/politsolid_postdoc23_en in German https://bit.ly/politsolid_postdoc23_de Deadline is the 15th of August. Jakob Kemper jakob.kemper@uni-due.de (before 17 July) and I achim.goerres@uni-due.de (after) will answer any questions. Please distribute widely. Many thanks Achim -- Prof. Dr. Achim Goerres Professor of Empirical Political Science | University of Duisburg-Essen |http://www.achimgoerres.de Just published Monograph Kumlin, Staffan/ Goerres, Achim (2022): Electoral Campaigns and Welfare State Change: Democratic Linkage and Leadership under Pressure, Oxford: Oxford University Press. http://achimgoerres.de/kumlin-goerres-2022-election-campaigns-and-welfare-state-change-democratic-linkage-and-leadership-under-pressure Reports Goerres, Achim/ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Elis, Jonas (2022): Die Wahlbeteiligung von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern mit familiärer Migrationsgeschichte. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Förderung, Stiftung Zentrum für Türkeistudien und Integrationsforschung (gefördert von der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung): Essen. Goerres, Achim/ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Spies, Dennis C./ Elis, Jonas (2022): Wählerinnen und Wähler mit Einwanderungsgeschichte im Bundestagswahlkampf: Erste Ergebnisse der Immigrant German Election Study II (IMGES II) aus Duisburg von Mai bis November 2021. SocArXiv. April 9.https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/j72pb Articles Höhne, Jan Karem/ Goerres, Achim (forthcoming). Question Order effects: How Robust are Survey Measures on Political Solidarities with Reference to Germany and Europe? International Journal of Social Research Methodology. Elis, Jonas/ Goerres, Achim/ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Spies, Dennis C. (forthcoming): Comparing the mobilising Effects of In-person Canvassing to Postal Reminders: Experimental Evidence from a Longitudinal Election Study, International Journal of Social Research Methodology. Goerres, Achim/ Höhne, Jan Karem (forthcoming): Evaluating the Response Effort and Data Quality of Established Political Solidarity Measures: A Pre-Registered Experimental Test in an Online Survey of the German Adult Resident Population in 2021, Quality and Quantity. Open Accesshttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-022-01594-4 Spies, Dennis C./ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Elis, Jonas/ Goerres, Achim (2023): Why do Immigrants Support an Anti-Immigrant Party? Russian-Germans and the Alternative for Germany, West European Politics, 46/2: 275-99, Open Accesshttps://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2022