Call for Papers, Reminder: CBS-Princeton Money in Politics Conference 2024

Jan Stuckatz
Tue, Dec 12, 2023 9:46 AM

Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the third Copenhagen Money in Politics Conference, to be held on June 27-28, 2024. The conference will be held at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), and co-organized by faculty at Princeton's Department of Politics and CBS. We invite submissions of research proposals that examine the relationship between money and politics. This includes - but is not limited to - research on non-market strategy, lobbying, campaign finance, political connections, corruption, business and politics, and how decision-makers (including bureaucrats) interact with special interests.
Over the last decade, research into the role of money in politics has experienced a renaissance. Despite the increasing interest, few conferences have been dedicated to this field of study. As a result, there are few opportunities for scholars with an interest in the role of money in politics to meet and discuss their research. The Copenhagen Money in Politics Conference provides a unique opportunity for scholars to meet and discuss cutting-edge research on money in politics.
Please submit your research proposal no later than Friday January 5, 2024, if you wish to attend as a presenter by emailing When submitting your proposal, please include the following in your email:
·        The title of your paper
·        A list of co-authors (if applicable)
·        An extended abstract of your paper of no more than 500 words.
·        Limited financial support is available. Please also indicate in your email whether you wish to apply for financial support and whether you have access to your own travel funds. Preference will be given to Ph.D. candidates and junior faculty, particularly those without a research account.
Applicants will be notified of whether their proposal is accepted before February 1, 2024. We welcome applications from scholars regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or ethnic background.
Discussants will mainly be drawn from the pool of participants. However, if you would like to be considered solely for a role as a discussant, please send an email to

Copenhagen Money in Politics Conference Organizing Committee (2024)
Hye Young You (Princeton)
Anne Jamison (CBS)
Michael Müller (CBS)
Jan Stuckatz (CBS)
Florian M. Hollenbach (CBS)
Benjamin C.K. Egerod (CBS)
Mogens K. Justesen (CBS)
Yumi Park (CBS)
Felix Hartmann (CBS)

Dear all, We are pleased to announce the third Copenhagen Money in Politics Conference, to be held on June 27-28, 2024. The conference will be held at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), and co-organized by faculty at Princeton's Department of Politics and CBS. We invite submissions of research proposals that examine the relationship between money and politics. This includes - but is not limited to - research on non-market strategy, lobbying, campaign finance, political connections, corruption, business and politics, and how decision-makers (including bureaucrats) interact with special interests. Over the last decade, research into the role of money in politics has experienced a renaissance. Despite the increasing interest, few conferences have been dedicated to this field of study. As a result, there are few opportunities for scholars with an interest in the role of money in politics to meet and discuss their research. The Copenhagen Money in Politics Conference provides a unique opportunity for scholars to meet and discuss cutting-edge research on money in politics. Please submit your research proposal no later than Friday January 5, 2024, if you wish to attend as a presenter by emailing<>. When submitting your proposal, please include the following in your email: · The title of your paper · A list of co-authors (if applicable) · An extended abstract of your paper of no more than 500 words. · Limited financial support is available. Please also indicate in your email whether you wish to apply for financial support and whether you have access to your own travel funds. Preference will be given to Ph.D. candidates and junior faculty, particularly those without a research account. Applicants will be notified of whether their proposal is accepted before February 1, 2024. We welcome applications from scholars regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or ethnic background. Discussants will mainly be drawn from the pool of participants. However, if you would like to be considered solely for a role as a discussant, please send an email to<>. Copenhagen Money in Politics Conference Organizing Committee (2024) Hye Young You (Princeton) Anne Jamison (CBS) Michael Müller (CBS) Jan Stuckatz (CBS) Florian M. Hollenbach (CBS) Benjamin C.K. Egerod (CBS) Mogens K. Justesen (CBS) Yumi Park (CBS) Felix Hartmann (CBS)